43552 (Употребление артиклей. Число имен существительных)


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1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос


Japan has been the most powerful country in Asia, but it had little trade with the region until now. Now, Japan is doing more trade with Asia than with the rest of the world.

In 1985 the US was Japan's main customer; Japan exported a third more to the US than to Asia. Now, Asia buys 30% more than the US and three times as much as Europe. Japanese imports from Asia increased by 150% between 1985 and 1995. Now, Japan's imports amount to $60 billion from Asia in 1993, compared to $50 billion from the US and $24 billion from Europe.

In 1994, Japan invested $7.7 million in Asia. During the next few years, 75% of Japan's direct investment will be there. Japanese investment in the region is now $64 billion, as against US investment of $26 billion, or German investment of $7 billion.

Thailand expects new Japanese investment to reach $8 billion by 1998. Already, Japan controls 90% of Thailand's auto market. Labour costs in Japan are high, so Japanese companies are setting up in countries where workers get paid much less; an increasing number of Japan's employees now live outside Japan.

Выберите правильный ответ на вопросы (А, В или C):

1. Where was Japan's biggest export market in 1985?

A Europe

В The US

С Asia

2. Which of these regions exports least to Japan?

A Europe

В Asia

С The US

3. Japanese investment in the region is expected to increase in the future

A to seventy-five per cent of Japan's total investment.

В by one hundred and fifty per cent.

С to ninety per cent of the Thai auto market.

4. Japan is setting up companies in countries like Malaysia and Thailand because

A they can manufacture better cars.

В investment has increased in recent years.

С labour is much cheaper there.

Выберите правильные ответы из рамки (A-H) на вопросы 5-8:

  1. How much will Japan invest in Thailand by 1998? C $8 billion

  2. How much have the Americans invested in the region so far? E $26 billion


$7 billion


$26 billion


$ 7.7 million


$50 billion


$ 8 billion


$60 billion


$24 billion


$64 billion

7. How much did Japan invest in Asia in the financial year 1994? B $ 7.7 million 8. How much did the US export to Japan in 1993? F $ 50 billion

2. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильное слово (А, В или С) для каждого пропуска

For years, Vietnam had a classical Marxist economic system characterised by central planning and control. Then, in 1986, the policy of opening up the country to market forces and foreign investment was introduced. Ten years later, the effects can be see everywhere. Take the city of Hanoi for example. Five years ago you could wander around on foot without worrying about traffic. The city itself was peaceful and elegant, with lovely tree-lined avenues and many buildings of great architectural interest. The scene today is very different. Traffic has become a serious problem: Vietnam has 330,000 cars and over four million motorbikes, four times the number there were in 1990. Small hotels and office buildings are springing up all of the city, and commercial rents in Hanoi are now as high as in Paris and 70% higher than in Sydney.

1. Aat

2. Aseeing

3. Afor

4. Aago

5. Aworried

6. Amany

7. Ais

8. Awere

9. Aalong

10. A than





















3. Вставьте артикли a, the или нулевой артикль

  1. Who is the best player in your team?

  2. I don't watch a television very often. // // /

  3. Is there a bank near here? - Yes, at the end of this street.

  4. After dinner we watched television.

  5. I like sport. My favourite sport is basketball.

  6. What time is a next train to London?

  7. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

  8. Who was the first President of the United States?

  9. Do you live here or are you a tourist?

10. Julia is a doctor. Her husband is a teacher.

11. My apartment is on the second floor. Turn left at the top of stairs, and it's a right.

12. What did you have for lunch?

13.1'd like to have a hamburger for breakfast.

14. Pushkin is the outstanding Russian poet.

15. Can you play the piano?

  1. Will you play chess with me?

  2. At night I had terrible headache after I had drunk a lot of coffee in evening.

18. By the way, have you heard anything from him lately?

19. Are you going to the country on Saturday?

20. Could you tell me the time, please? - It's a quarter past 4.

21. Do this exercise at school and that one at home.

22. What a lovely song!

23. We usually go shopping on Mondays.

24. The Earth goes round the sun.

25. lt took me half a hour to get there.

26. My favourite subject at school is history.

4. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе

1. flower-flowers

12. leaf - leaves

2. woman - women

13. tooth - teeth

3. knife-knives

14. umbrella - umbrellas

4. foot-feet

15. day - days

5. child - children

16. bus - buses

6. person-people

17. shop-shops

7. sheep-four sheep

18. box - boxes

8. holiday-holidays

19. sandwich-sandwiches

9. potato-potatoes

20. week - weeks

10. family-families

21. mouse-mice

11. address - addresses

22. man - men

5. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в предложениях

I'm going to buy some flowers. /нет ошибки

I need a new jeans. - I need new jeans.

There was a woman in the car with two mens. - There was a woman in the car with two men. Sheep eat grass. - Sheep eats grass. / Sheep eat grass.

David is married and has three childs. - David is married and has three children. Most of my friend are student. - Most of my friends are students.

Do you know many persons in this town? - Do you know many people in this town. The town centre is usually full of tourist. - The town centre is usually full of tourists. I don't like mice. I'm afraid of them. - I don't like mice. I'm afraid of it.

10.1 need my glasses, but I can't find it.

11. We'd like three dozens eggs. - We'd like three dozen eggs.

12. It cost four hundred dollars.

13. There is a lot of sheep in the field. - There are a lot of sheep in the field.

14. Money are not everything. - Money is not everything.

15. We went fishing, but we didn't catch many fishes. - We went fishing, but we didn't catch many fish.

16. In summer we eat a lot of fruit.

17. There are forks, spoons and knifes on the table. - There are forks, spoons and knives on the table.

6. Используйте прилагательные в нужной форме

1. I met my (good) friend yesterday.

A. goodest

B. better

C. best

2. Mary is (young) in her family.

A. the youngest

B. the younger

C. young

3. - It isn't very warm today, is it?

No, it was (warm) yesterday.

A. more warm

B. warmer

C. the warmest

4. Where is (near) post-office, please?

A. the nearest

B. the next

C. nearer

5. The 22nd of December is (short) day in the year.

A. the short

B. the shorter

С. the shortest

6. The problem was (serious) we expected.

A. seriouser than

B. more serious than

7. Public transport in London is (expensive) than in Europe.

A. he expensivest

B. the most expensive

C. more expensive

8. Let's go by train. It's much (cheap).

A. cheap

B. cheaper

С. the cheapest

9. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

A. the largest

B. largest

C. larger

10. He has. time than me.

A. bigger

B. much

С. more

11. I earn (little) money than he does.

A. littler

B. more little

С. less

12.1s Alan (tall) than Tom?

A. taller

B. tall

С. as tall as

7. Исправьте предложения, где это необходимо

  1. I am busier than my little sister. +

  2. London is more old than New York. - London is older than New York.

  3. It's the most sharp pencil I have. - It's the sharpest pencil I have.

  4. Do you know the shortest way to the station? +

  5. This exercise is more difficult than that one. +

  6. She is the most pretty girl I've ever known. - She is the prettiest girl I've ever known.

  7. The boy is as taller as his father. - The boy is as tall than his father.

  8. Baseball is the popularest summer sport in America. - Baseball is the most popular summer sport in America

  9. Can you come more early next time? - Can you come more earlier next time? 10. You should be carefuler. - You should be more careful.

8. Заполните пропуски соответствующими местоимениями

  1. She washed her hands and face.

  2. We invited Liz to stay with us in our house.

  3. Do you know that man? - Yes, I know him.

  4. That is his book. Give it to him.

  5. The bag is heavy. What is there in it?

  6. Look at them!. are playing like kids.

7. - Are you a teacher? - No, i am not.

8. They live in the country their house isn't big but it is comfortable.

  1. . Can i help you? - Yes, please i would like a pair of shoes.

  2. . What's your phone number? May I phone you? 11. Give me your photo and I'll give you me.

12. I don't want this book. You can have it.

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Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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