The Linguistic Culture-5 (USA-1)


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Vasilenko Anatoly

321 group


Abundant geography – богатая география

diverse population – многообразная популяция (т.е. люди происхождением самого разного сорта)

wilderness – дикая местность / целина

acquisition – приобретение

cargo of timber – груз строительства

oriental – восточный (заграничный восточный) ()

hostility to – враждебность к кому-либо

accession – прирост

it was bound to – привязано к чему-либо (быть завязанным на что-то)

to authorize – авторизовывать (уполномочивать)

chartering – фрахтование (предоставление услуги – фрахта (плата за перевоку груза в морском праве))

a joint stock company – акционерное общество

a nightmare – кошмар

persecution – гонения

rugged existence – трудное существование

to perish – погибать

to be distressed – терпеть бедствие

to be beset – осаждать / окружать

to adjust to … - настраиваться на что-либо

trinkets – безделушки

surrender – сдаваться / капитулировать

redemption – выкуп

indentured servitude – договорное рабство


  1. Why did the English settlers of the Virginia Company call their first permanent location as New England?

Because, the English setter pictured the new land of America as New England – a region not noticeable different from old England.

  1. Who were the very first colonists in North America?

In July 1620 a group of 102 so -called pilgrims sailed on the ship “Mayflower” to North America with the hope to set up a colony and find there civil and religious freedom.

  1. What were the major events of the first period of the English colonization of North America?

The pilgrims landed in a place now called Province Town and started building one of the first permanent Massachusetts’s villages called New Plymouth. The first religious group was followed by a thousand so-called English Puritans.

  1. Why were some immigrants indentured for a term of service?

Many Europeans, mostly from Germany, came to America through so-called “redemption”. Under that form of indentured servitude, so-called redemptioners paid as much as they could of their passage before sailing from Europe to America. After they landed in the colonies, they were indentured for a term of service proportional to the amount of their debt.

  1. How did New Amsterdam turn into New York?

In 1664 King Charles II gave a large area of Manhattan Island to his brother Duke of York and New Amsterdam was turned into New York in honor of the duke

  1. What was the colonists’ policy towards the Indians?

The Europeans took their lands, destroyed their way of life, and turned them into refugees and beggars in their own country.

  1. How did black Africans get into America?

In August 1619 the first cargo of twenty blacks was brought by a Dutch ship to Virginia. While crossing the Atlantic many African slaves died from terrible conditions on the ships but their number had grown to six thousand by the end of the 17-th century.

  1. Why did the colonists need Black slaves?

Black Africans were captured and brought to America as slaves to work the new lands.

  1. What happened to the Black slaves, if they escaped but later were recaptured?

Slaves from the South could be legally recaptured there and returned to their masters

  1. Who were so-called “conductors”?

Existed routes, called Underground Railroad, which were used by slaves to escape into Canada. It was a network of hiding places. And conductors were the people, who knew the route and led slaves north to freedom. The journey was long, extremely difficult and dangerous, because people could be executed for helping slaves to escape.

Rendering the text in English:


In May 1607, settlers from the London have founded on the east coast of America Jamestown fort. Status of the residents was difficult. Development of virgin country went difficult. Many settlers could not stand and died.

Gradually in the colony evolved a certain social structure. The upper classes were members of the administration and governor. The middle class - the settlers, who paid for their travel by their own. Lower class contained men sent to America by the London company. They pledged for the contract to perform any work assigned to them. After the end of the contract, each of them could get their land. They were called servents.

Gradually "servents" of Virginia became landowners servents and laborers reserve for future employees of the capitalist manufactories. Thus, gradually capitalist production created in Virginia. However, the number servents arriving from Europe, did not satisfy the needs of the colonial economy. Attempts were made to convert the Indians as slaves, but they were unsuccessful. New workers were needed, which became black slaves from Africa.

First settlements:

After the group of Puritan pilgrims in 1620, in subsequent years, came members of other Protestant faiths, intending to make on a new continent new lives in accordance with their religious views. The population grew rapidly. After the first British wave of emigration followed others; Germans, Dutch, Swiss and French began to come to North America, turning colonies into a huge "ethnic cauldron". English kings tried to set up feudal relations: distributed lands to their close servants, granted Charters, according to which the landlord could give lands to dependent holders. However, the development of the colonies took a different, much more progressive path.

The ideology of "healthy selfishness" stimulating competition, the cult of the superman single overcoming all obstacles on the road to success, and the motto "time is money", spurring economic activity, led to the rapid development of production. Already in the first half of the 17th century, began to emerge cities - the future centers of industry and commerce. In the 1640s came the first manufactories; developed shipbuilding. In New York and Pennsylvania have appeared iron-smelting furnace, and soon the production of iron has increased so much that it began to disturb the British people.

In the north spread farming, i.e. the capitalist path of development approved in agriculture. This was facilitated by the huge undeveloped spaces of land. Leaving to the West was a way of resolving disputes between tenants and landlords: the poorest colonists captured the vacant land, and usually did so voluntarily and became independent landowners.

In rich working on the external market southern colonies, long preserved plantation economy based on slave labor.

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