12 Instruction Scheduling(Rusl) (Rice)


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12. Instruction Scheduling

12.1 Introduction

On many processors, the order in which operations are presented for execution has a significant effect on the length of time it takes to execute a sequence of instructions. Different operations take different lengths of time. On a typical commodity microprocessor, integer addition and subtraction require less time than integer division; similarly, floating-point division takes longer than floating-point addition or subtraction. Multiplication usually falls between the corresponding addition and division operations. The time required to complete a load from memory depends on where in the memory hierarchy the value resides at the time that the load is issued.

The task of ordering the operations in a block or a procedure to make effective use of processor resources is called instruction scheduling. The scheduler takes as input a partially ordered list of operations in the target machine’s assembly language; it produces as output an ordered version of the same list. The scheduler assumes that the code has already been optimized and it does not try to duplicate the optimizer’s work. Instead, it packs operations into the available cycles and functional unit issue slots so that the code will run as quickly as possible.

Conceptual Roadmap

The order in which the processor encounters operations has a direct impact on the speed of execution of compiled code. Thus, most compilers include an instruction scheduler that reorders the final operations to improve performance. The scheduler’s choices are constrained by the flow of data, by the delays associated with individual operations, and by the capabilities of the target processor. The scheduler must account for all these factors if it is to produce a correct and efficient schedule for the compiled code.

The dominant technique for instruction scheduling is a greedy heuristic called list scheduling. List schedulers operate on straightline code and use a variety of priority ranking schemes to guide their choices. Compiler writers have invented a number of frameworks to schedule over larger regions in the code than basic blocks; these regional and loop schedulers simply create conditions where the compiler can apply list scheduling to a longer sequence of operations.


On most modern processors, the order in which instructions appear has an impact on the speed with which the code executes. Processors overlap the execution of operations, issuing successive operations as quickly as possible given the finite (and small) set of functional units. In principle this strategy makes good utilization of hardware resources and decreases execution time by overlapping the execution of successive operations. The difficulty arises when an operation issues before its operands are ready.

Processor designs handle this situation in one of two ways. The processor can stall the premature operation until its operands are available. On a machine that stalls premature operations, the scheduler reorders the operations in an attempt to minimize the number of such stalls. Alternatively, the processor can execute the premature operation, albeit with the incorrect operands. This approach relies on the scheduler to maintain enough distance between a value’s definition and its various uses to maintain correctness. If insufficient useful operations are available to cover the delay associated with some operation, the scheduler must insert NOPs to fill the gap.

Commodity microprocessors often have operations that have different latencies. Typical values might be one cycle for an integer add or subtract, three for an integer multiply or a floating-point add or subtract, five for a floating-point multiply, 12 to 18 for a floating-point divide, and 20 to 40 for an integer divide. As a further complication, some operations have variable latencies. The latency of a load depends on where in the memory hierarchy it finds the value; those latencies can range from a few cycles, say one to five for the nearest cache, to tens or hundreds of cycles for values in main memory. Arithmetic operations can have variable latencies as well. For example, floating-point multiply and divide units may take an early exit when they recognize that the actual operands render some stages of processing irrelevant (e.g. multiply by zero or one). To further complicate matters, many commodity processors have the property that they can initiate execution of more than one operation in each cycle. So-called superscalar processors exploit parallelism at the instruction level – Independent operations that can run concurrently without conflict. In a superscalar environment, the scheduler’s job is to keep as many functional units busy as possible. Because the instruction dispatch hardware has a limited amount of lookahead, the scheduler may need to pay attention to both the cycle in which each operation issues and the relative ordering of operations within each cycle.

Consider, for example, a simple processor with one integer functional unit and one floating-point functional unit. The compiler wants to schedule a loop that consists of 100 integer operations and 100 floating-point operations. If the compiler orders the operations so that the first 75 operations are integer operations, the floating-point unit will sit idle until the processor finally reaches some work for it. If all the operations are independent (an unrealistic assumption), the best order might be to alternate operations between the two units.

Informally, instruction scheduling is the process whereby a compiler reorders the operations in the compiled code in an attempt to decrease its running time. Conceptually, an instruction scheduler looks like:

The instruction scheduler takes as input a partially ordered list of instructions; it produces as output an ordered list of instructions constructed from the same set of operations. The scheduler assumes a fixed set of operations; it does not rewrite the code (other than adding nops to maintain correct execution). The scheduler assumes a fixed allocation of values to registers; while it may rename registers, it does not change allocation decisions.

The instruction scheduler has three primary goals. First, it must preserve the meaning of the code that it receives as input. Second, it should minimize execution time by avoiding stalls or nops. Third, it should avoid increasing value lifetimes past the point where additional register spills are necessary. Of course, the scheduler should operate efficiently.

Many processors can issue multiple operations per cycle. While the mechanisms vary across architectures, the underlying challenge for the scheduler is the same: make good utilization of the hardware resources. In a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor, the processor issues an operation for each functional unit in each cycle, all gathered into a single fixed-format instruction. (The scheduler packs NOPs into the slots for idle functional units). A packed VLIW machine avoids many of these NOPs with a variable-length instruction.

Superscalar processors look over a small window in the instruction stream, pick out operations that can execute on available units, and assign them to functional units. A dynamically scheduled processor considers operand availability; a statically scheduled processor only considers functional unit availability. An out-of-order superscalar processor uses a much larger window to scan for operations to execute; the window might be a hundred or more instructions.

This diversity of hardware dispatch mechanisms blurs the distinction between an operation and an instruction. On VLIW and packed VLIW machines, an instruction contains multiple operations. On superscalar machines, we usually refer to a single operation as an instruction and describe these machines as issuing multiple instructions per cycle. Throughout this book, we have used the term operation to describe a single opcode and its operands. We use the term instruction only to refer to an aggregation of one or more operations that all issue in the same cycle.

In deference to tradition, we still refer to this problem as instruction scheduling, although it might be more precisely called operation scheduling. On a VLIW or packed VLIW architecture, the scheduler packs operations into instructions that execute in a given cycle. On a superscalar architecture, either in order or out of order, the scheduler reorders operations to let the processor issue as many as possible in each cycle.

This chapter examines scheduling and the tools and techniques that compilers use to perform it. Section 12.2 provides a detailed introduction to the problem. Section 12.3 introduces the standard framework used for instruction scheduling: the list-scheduling algorithm. Section 12.4 presents several techniques that compilers use to extend the range of operations over which they can apply list scheduling. The “Advanced Topics” section presents an approach to loop scheduling.

12.2 The Instruction-Scheduling Problem

Consider the small example code shown in Figure 12.1; it reproduces an example used in Section 1.3. The column labelled “Start” shows the cycle in which each operation begins execution. Assume that the processor has a single functional unit, loads and stores take three cycles, a multiply takes two cycles, and all other operations complete in a single cycle. With these assumptions, the original code, shown on the left, takes 22 cycles.

The scheduled code, in Figure 12.1b, executes in many fewer cycles. It separates long-latency operations from operations that reference their results. This separation allows operations that do not depend on these results to execute concurrently with the long-latency operations. The code issues load operations in the first three cycles; the results are available in cycles 4, 5, and 6, respectively. This schedule requires an extra register, r3, to hold the result of the third concurrently executing load operation, but it allows the processor to perform useful work while waiting for the first arithmetic operand to arrive. The overlap among operations effectively hides the latency of the memory operations. The same idea, applied throughout the block, hides the latency of the mult operation. The reordering reduces the running time to 13 cycles, a 41 percent improvement.

All of the examples we have seen so far deal, implicitly, with a target machine that issues a single operation in each cycle. Almost all commodity processors have multiple functional units and issue several operations in each cycle. We will introduce the list-scheduling algorithm for a singleissue machine and point out how to extend the basic algorithm to handle multioperation instructions.

The instruction scheduling problem is defined over the dependence graph D of a basic block. D is sometimes called a precedence graph. Edges in D represent the flow of values in the block. Additionally, each node has two attributes, an operation type and a delay. For a node n, the operation corresponding to n must execute on a functional unit specified by its operation type; it requires delay(n) cycles to complete. Figure 12.2b shows the dependence graph for the code in our running example. We have substituted concrete numbers for @a, @b, @c, and @d to avoid confusion with the labels used to identify operations.

Nodes with no predecessors in D, such as a, c, e, and g in the example, are called leaves of the graph. Since the leaves depend on no other operations,


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