rpd000014884 (210601 (11.05.01).С7 Антенные системы и устройства), страница 12


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Файл "rpd000014884" внутри архива находится в следующих папках: 210601 (11.05.01).С7 Антенные системы и устройства, 210601.С7. Документ из архива "210601 (11.05.01).С7 Антенные системы и устройства", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "вспомогательные материалы для первокурсников" из 1 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве МАИ. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с МАИ, его также можно найти и в других разделах. Архив можно найти в разделе "остальное", в предмете "вспомогательные материалы для первокурсников" в общих файлах.

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Текст 12 страницы из документа "rpd000014884"


Типовые варианты:

  1. Lex. , Gram. Повторение грамматического и лексического материала разделов 7 и 8.

  2. Подготовка к экзамену.

Выполнение ДЗ №8.6.doc

Блок №8 Иностранный язык (семестр 4)

Раздел №4 A New Era for Aircraft

Типовое задание №6 Выполнение ДЗ №8.6

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 3


Типовые варианты:

  1. Ознакомление с текстом «New York» с целью извлечения основной информации.

  2. Lex., Gram. Написание рефератов на тему: «The characteristics of a new hypersonic passenger liner. The main difficulties of its construction»

Выполнение ДЗ №8.7.doc

Блок №8 Иностранный язык (семестр 4)

Раздел №4 A New Era for Aircraft

Типовое задание №7 Выполнение ДЗ №8.7

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 3


Типовые варианты:

  1. Повторение лексико-грамматического материала раздела 8

  2. Подготовка к контрольной работе № 8

контрольная работа 7 - ИАСУ.doc

4 семестр

Контрольная работа №7

Task 1

Choose the correct option.

0. At present sophisticated electronics is playing a big role in C automotive research.

a) present

c) current

b) existing

d) instant

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase.

i)explosive combustion

0. An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the i of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder.

Task 3

Fill in the appropriate prepositions from the box.

by, of (2), from, before, up, into, for, in, over, according, with

0. Calculating the fuel left in the tank and the time of arrival at destination was made possible by microelectronics.

Task 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

0. Ford cars are equipped (to equip) with electronic instrument panel.

Task 5

Change the Complex Sentences using the Participle as in the example.

0. a) As he had been learning English for 5 years, he translated the article without a dictionary.

Having learnt English for 5 years, he translated the article without a dictionary.

b) After he had collected all the material, he was able to write a report.

Having collected all the material he was able to write a report.

Task 6

Choose the correct translation of the underlined words.

0. The radar mounted on the car detects objects ahead of the vehicle.

a) устанавливающий

b) установленный

c) установивший

Task 7

k) новый грузовой самолет; оборудование большого размера

Choose the correct translation of the phrases.

0. The fuselage of a new cargo aircraft can house large-size equipment.

Task 8

Complete the sentences using the word in capital to form a word that fits in the space.


0. The diagnostic equipment is necessary for testing any new car that fits in the space.

Task 9

Read the text and answer the questions.

Task 10

Write a letter to your pen-friend. Ask him three questions on the topic.

контрольная работа 8 - ИАСУ.doc

4 семестр

Контрольная работа №8

Task 1

Choose the correct option.

0. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is lighting the aircraft by C new composite materials for conventional metal alloys.

a) exchanging

c) substituting

b) shifting

d) replacing

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase.

k) complicated

0. A future hypersonic craft will require k cooling measures.

Task 3

Fill in appropriate prepositions from the box.

on, in, of, about, for, at, over, with, without, as (3), upon

0. All the heavy machinery in the factory has been manufactured on site.

Task 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

0. The project of a new aircraft was displayed (to display) at the Aerospace Salon in Russia last year.

Task 5

Match the two parts of the sentence.

0. The US is going to employ the plasma antenna technology instead

k) of using the metallic phased-array radars.

Task 6

Choose the correct translation of the underlined ing-forms.

0. Applying cryogenic fuel for a hypersonic craft will solve the problem of surface cooling.

a) применив

b) применение

c) применить

Task 7

Choose the correct translation of the phrases.

0. Russian aviation experts expect that today’s aircraft will begin to be replaced with some new form of supersonic transport by the year 2020.

Task 8

Complete the sentences using the word in capital word that fits in the space.


0. Airbus company has announced that it’ll design a new aircraft next year.

Task 9

Read the text and choose the correct answers.

Task 10

Write a letter to your pen-friend. Describe your feelings and impressions.

тест по разд. 1-2 - ИАСУ.doc

1 семестр

Тестирование по разделам 1 – 2

Task 1.

Choose the correct option.

0. Nowadays air and water pollution by industry is reaching tremendous proportions.

a) rich

c) reaching

b) achieving

d) extending

Task 2.

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase.

0. After four years of study students get a bachelor’s degree.

k) bachelor’s degree

Task 3.

Choose the correct word from the box.

on(2) to(2) at (3) out in with for

0. How much do you pay for your studies?

Task 4.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

0.  Air and water pollution by industry is now reaching (to reach) tremendous proportions.

Task 5.

Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in Indefinite (Simple), Continuous Active or Passive forms.

0. The students will get (to get) grants if they achieve good results at the examinations next year.

Task 6.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (1-5) and adjectives (6-10) in brackets.

0. Highly – qualified specialists are (to be) trained at higher schools.

Task 7.

Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

am/is/are going to shall/will, do

0. Students will be sent to a big plant soon.

Task 8.

Complete the sentences using the word given in capital to form a word that fits in the space.

Oxford is one of the towns which is famous for its highest level of (0)development in the field of education in England.


Task 9.

Read this article and choose the proper answers to the questions.

Task 10.

Write a reply to your friend’s letter and answer the questions. Ask your pen-friend 3 questions.

тест по разд. 5-6 - ИАСУ.doc

3 семестр

Тестирование по разделам 5-6

Task 1

Choose the correct option.

0. In the next few years engineers will D the work on computers of above 2 billion operations a second.

a) finish

c) end

b) terminate

d) complete

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase.

0. The integrated circuit is undoubtedly one of the most _ k_ _ inventions of man, science and technology.

k) sophisticated

Task 3

Complete the sentences using the appropriate prepositions from the box.

from, after, under, on, among, over, to, in (2), off (2), onto, for, with, within, at

0. Researchers and scientists all over the World are free to borrow books from the Library of Congress.

Task 4

Choose the correct translation of the modal verbs and their equivalents.

0. Computers can perform billions of calculations a second.

a) должны

b) могут

c) следует

Task 5

Choose the correct form of the modal verb or its equivalent.

j) could

0. Some 50 years ago people j hardly imagine that tourists would fly into space.

Task 6

Join the sentences using: who, which, where, that.

0. a) Computer has become an important and powerful tool.

b) Computer is designed for collecting, recording, analyzing a large amount of information.

Computer has become an important and powerful tool, which is designed for collecting, recording, analyzing a large amount of information.

Task 7

Choose the correct translation of the phrases.

0. computer programming course

a) курс компьютерного программирования

Task 8

Complete the sentences using the word in capital to form a word that fits in the space.


The word “computer” comes from a Latin word which (0) means “to count”.

Task 9

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Task 10

Comment on the statement.

тест по разд. 3-4 - ИАСУ.doc

2 семестр

Тестирование по разделам 3 – 4

Task 1.

Choose the correct option.

0. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years.

a) duplicated

c) coupled

b) paired

d) doubled

Task 2.

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase.

0. Nuclear reactors go on accumulating waste that will finally cause a global


k) accumulating waste

Task 3.

Choose the correct item.

0. It will operate on products of the transformation of solar energy.

a) a

c) --

b) an

d) the

Task 4.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

0. TV set producing companies are sure that in future you will not watch hundreds of channels offered by different companies, you will be able to (to be able to) select what you want and watch it on your own schedule.

Task 5.

Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct form.

0. They asked if research in the field of renewable sources of energy would be carried out (to carry out).

Task 6.

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Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
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Отлично помогает студентам в любой момент для решения трудных и незамедлительных задач
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