rpd000014387 (151600 (15.03.03).Б4 Динамика, прочность машин и конструкций), страница 7


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Файл "rpd000014387" внутри архива находится в следующих папках: 151600 (15.03.03).Б4 Динамика, прочность машин и конструкций, 151600.Б4. Документ из архива "151600 (15.03.03).Б4 Динамика, прочность машин и конструкций", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "вспомогательные материалы для первокурсников" из 1 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве МАИ. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с МАИ, его также можно найти и в других разделах. Архив можно найти в разделе "остальное", в предмете "вспомогательные материалы для первокурсников" в общих файлах.

Онлайн просмотр документа "rpd000014387"

Текст 7 страницы из документа "rpd000014387"

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 2


Типовые варианты:

  1. Написание реферата на одну из тем: 1. Solar sail propulsion systems. 2. The Space Station Mir. 3. The International Space Station. 4. The significance of space exploration for scientific and technological development.

  2. Выполнение упражнений 1-5, стр.35-36 для подготовки к беседе: The potential of space exploration for peaceful purposes.

Выполнение ДЗ №12.7.doc

Блок №4 Иностранный язык (семестр 6)

Раздел №2 The International Space Station

Типовое задание №7 Выполнение ДЗ №12.7

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 4


Типовые варианты:

  1. Повторение лексико-грамматического материала раздела 12.

  2. Подготовка к контрольной работе №12.

Выполнение ДЗ №12.8.doc

Блок №4 Иностранный язык (семестр 6)

Раздел №2 The International Space Station

Типовое задание №8 Выполнение ДЗ №12.8

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 4


Типовые варианты:

  1. Выполнение работы над ошибками.

  2. Повторение грамматического и лексического материала разделов 11 и 12.

  3. Подготовка к зачету с оценкой.

Выполнение ДЗ №12.9.doc

Блок №4 Иностранный язык (семестр 6)

Раздел №2 The International Space Station

Типовое задание №9 Выполнение ДЗ №12.9

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 1


Типовые варианты:

  1. Повторение грамматического и лексического материала разделов 11 и 12.

Выполнение ДЗ №12.10.doc

Блок №4 Иностранный язык (семестр 6)

Раздел №2 The International Space Station

Типовое задание №10 Выполнение ДЗ №12.10

Тип: Домашнее задание

Трудоемкость(объем часов): 1


Типовые варианты:

  1. Выполнение работы над ошибками

  2. Работа над ликвидацией пробелов за семестр.

контрольная работа 11 - ИАСУ.doc

6 семестр

Контрольная работа №11

Test 1

Choose the correct option.

0. K. Onnes discovered that a superconducting material can be C to the normal state either by passing a sufficiently large current through it or by applying a sufficiently strong magnetic field to it.

a) rendered

c) returned

b) retreated

d) turned back

Test 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase from the box.

k) powerful superconducting electromagnets

0. K guide elementary particles in particle accelerators, and they also provide the magnetic field needed for magnetic resonance imaging.

Test 3

Fill in the blanks.

for(2) over on after with to at by of in into

0. We know Y. Gagarin to have been the first cosmonaut in the world.

Test 4

Complete the sentences using the right form of the verb.

0. A great contribution to the development of superconductivity theory was made (to make) by Russian physicists Landau and Ginsburg.

Test 5

Put the beginnings and the ends together to make sensible sentences.

k) to be the first to patent the junction transistor.

0. W. Shockley is considered k

Test 6

Use the Complex Object or the Complex Subject instead of the complex sentences.

0. a) It is known that K. Onnes discovered superconductivity in 1911.

K. Onnes is known to have discovered superconductivity.

b) We know that K. Onnes discovered superconductivity.

We know K. Onnes to have discovered superconductivity.

Test 7

Fill in the blanks with neither … nor, either … or, either, neither.

0. Neither W. Shockley nor G. Pearson referenced Lilienfeld’s work in their research papers.

Test 8

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in capital.


0. The discovery of superconductivity by K. Onnes in 1911 was significant of science.

Test 9

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Task 10

Write a letter to your pen-friends. Ask him 3 questions on the topic.

контрольная работа 12 - ИАСУ.doc

6 семестр

Контрольная работа №12

Test 1

Choose the correct option.

0. Some astronauts may C on the ISS up to 187 days, but there are no plans yet for longer missions.

a) remain

c) stay

b) dwell

d) sojourn

Test 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase from the box.

k) slight atmospheric drag

0. As the ISS constantly loses altitude because of a K , it needs to be boosted to a higher altitude several times a year.

Test 12

Find the appropriate option.

0. The construction of - _ metals that can resist gravity has resulted in tools of incredible hardness.

a) the, -

c) the, the

b) -, -

d) -, the

Test 4

Complete the sentences using the right form of the verb.

0. What are (to be) the prospects of space exploration program?

According to the future space programs specialists will have to begin producing (to produce) new materials.

Test 5

Open the brackets using the word in subjunctive mood.

0. I wish (to wish) I had taken part in the discussion of world’s most ambitions engineering project in history.

Test 6

Переведите предложения, принимая во внимание особенности страдательного залога.

  1. The production of special metallurgical alloys is seldom influenced by gravity.

Test 7

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

results in, resulted from, involvement, involved, have been involved in, are involved in

0. The first manned space flight has resulted from the great achievements of Russian science.

Test 8

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in capital.


0. It is impossible to predict how this device will operate in space.

Task 9

Read the text and choose the right answer.

Task 10

Write a letter to your pen-friend.

тест по разд. 9-10 - ИАСУ.doc

Тестирование по разделам 9 – 10

Task 1

Choose the correct option.

0. Early submersible crafts that D the ocean depths were as primitive as the marine life they watched around them.

a) entered

c) perforated

b) invaded

d) penetrated

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase from the box.

0. A semi-submersible marine craft for operation on the surface or in a K has a pair of spaced parallel tubular water ballast floats disposed horizontally on either side of a vertical middle plane.

k) semi-submerged conditions

Task 3

Find the correct variant.

0. If you can speak __-__ English well you’ll be understood in most countries of the world.

a) the, the

c) -, -

b) -, the

d) the, -

Task 4

Complete the sentences using the right form of the verb.

0. What do you think (you, to think) of the future of the ocean depths exploration? If technological problems are solved, scientists will have (to have) more opportunities to explore the ocean depths.

Task 5

Merge two parts given into a sentence.

0. Capacity, performance, and reliability of the global telecommunication network will be increased soon __K___

k) if the scientists continue to develop new technologies such as optical fibers.

Task 6

Choose the correct translation of the underlined words.

0. A computer to be used by divers will provide information about time, depth and air supply.

a) используемый

b) который будет использован

Task 7

Match two parts of the sentence.

0. If there were no new laser technologies ___J__

j) many important processes would be


Task 8

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in capital.

Recently the progress of science has developed (0) rapidly .


Task 9

Read the text and answer the questions in your own words.

Task 10

Comment on the statement.

Describe their advantages and disadvantages.

тест по разд. 11-12 - ИАСУ.doc

Тестирование по разделам 11 – 12

Task 1

Choose the correct option.

0. Superconductivity is almost total D of electrical resistance in certain materials when they are cooled to a temperature near absolute zero.

a) shortcoming

c) deficit

b) need

d) lack

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the correct word or phrase from the box.

0. The quantum-mechanical theory proposes that at very low temperatures electrons in an K move in pairs.

k) electric current

Task 3

Choose the correct variant

Example: We know him_have made the mistake_thinking that the conventional ceramic engine has no replacement

a)to,of b)to,in c)for,in d)for,of

Task 4

Complete the sentences using the right form of the verb.

0. Do specialists (Specialists) in many countries have to (have to) overcome a lot of technological difficulties in the development of superconductivity theory? Yes, they do.

Task 5

Match two parts of the sentences.

0. The scientist would like to use…___K___

k) some types of electromagnets made with superconductors to lower the cost of electric generation and storage.

Task 6

Choose the correct translation of the underlined words.

0. The ISS is believed to be the most expensive object ever constructed.

a) считают, что является

Task 7

Change the sentences using Complex Subject

0. A Dutch physicist found that a superconducting material returned to normal state when a strong magnetic field was applied.

A superconducting material was found to be returned to normal state when strong magnetic field was applied.

Task 8

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in capital.

After the (0) discovery of superconductivity many __________ theories __________ by scientists.


Task 9

Read the text and answer the questions in your own words.

Task 10

Comment on the statement.

Версия: AAAAAAUJZ68 Код: 000014387

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