43217 (Significance of translation in contemporary life), страница 2


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5. Importance Of Translation And Interpreter Services On Business Trips

In today's globalized economy, one cannot down play the significance of translation services during overseas trips. To make your business trip a success you need to communicate with your potential customers in their own language. By communicating with them in their own language, you can gain their trust and their business as well. The advent of the internet has led to an explosive growth in the level of business activity between nations. What we are seeing is a convergence of cultures and economic systems all across the globe. This means that people all over the globe will be communicating more than ever highlighting the need for translation services.

Some agencies bundle translation and travel services for their clients. This means that the customers can avail of translation service right from the time they embark on foreign territory. Many organizations find the translation and travel services bundle quite valuable, as their executives do not feel lost in a foreign land. These agencies ensure that the visitor is picked up from the airport and taken to the hotel room. He or she does not need to involve him in the hassle of booking a taxi or finding a hotel room in a country where the natives do not speak the same language as he does. These operators design the visitor's itinerary in consultation with the clients and arrange for domestic travel if desired by the visitor. If needed, they also accompany the visitor during factory visits or for client meetings. If there are some contracts to be signed then these agencies also perform the document translation work and explain the nuances of the contract.

If a visitor desires to visit trade fairs, exhibitions or places of historical importance then these agencies provide personal interpreters during these visits also. All these services ensure that the visitor utilizes his time productively during a business trip and make his investment worthwhile. By availing these translation and interpreter services during overseas trips you can prove to your clients that you are serious about their business and are willing to go that extra mile to serve them better than competition.

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6. Conclusion

The work of translation agencies is essential in a lot of different areas. Not only do they translate a variety of technical texts for small and middle sized companies from one language to another; even international trades and the global economy depend on the support of translation agencies in order to ensure fluent communication between the trading partners and to facilitate trade and commercial relations and the exchange of goods easier. By translating product descriptions, order lists and other important documents, fatal misunderstandings and therefore delays in delivery of products can be avoided.

Professional translators specialize in a certain field that they cover for their translation agency, such as technical, legal or financial translations. With this specific knowledge they are able to translate a wide range of texts accurately.

Translation agencies experience a growing demand for translations of texts from cultural institutions and media-related companies like marketing agencies or PR departments. International marketing campaigns or advertising slogans not only have to be translated, but also localized in order to adapt them for a foreign market. In these cases it’s important that the documents are not translated word for word, but rather in a way that carries the message from one language (and thus, one cultural background) to the other. But also in industry and in industrial chemistry, the work performed by a translation agency is gaining importance. Even in medicine there is a variety of medical texts that has to be translated to make them accessible worldwide and distribute medical innovations. Internet and telecommunications is another huge source of revenue for language service providers. For example, software localization is a crucial business for software companies: new applications have to be localized so they are presented in the target country’s language and suitable for local peculiarities such as different keyboard layouts.

As globalization moves forward and it is important to communicate to customers in the whole world, the demand for professional translations grows. Translation agencies will always play an important role in the provision of language services.

7. The list of the sources

  1. Ilko, V. Korunets. 2003. Theory and practice of translation. – Vinnutza: Nova Knyha, pp.13-15.

  2. Bassnett, S. 1991. Translation studies. London: Routledge.

  3. Lotman, J., Uspensky, B. 1978. “On the semiotic mechanism of culture”, New Literary History, pp. 211-232.

  4. Nida, E. 1964. “Plinciples of Correspondence”. In Veniti, L. The translation studies reader. London: Routledge.

  5. Guennadi, E. Miram, Velentina, V. Daineko, Lyubov, A. Taranukha, Maryna, V. Gryschenko, Oleksandr, M. Gon. 2003. Basic translation (основи перекладу). – Kyiv: Elga Nika-Center.

  6. http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Importance-Of-Translation/224095

  7. http://ezinearticles.com/?Importance-Of-Translation-And-Interpreter-Services-On-Business-Trips&id=1174850

  8. www.wallstreetstocks.net/the-importance-of-translation-services-to-different-fields-of-industry

  9. http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_T._Smith

  10. http://textronics.com/translationtheimportanceofculture.html

  11. http://www.translation-services-usa.com/blog/2009/08/the-importance-of-translation/

  12. http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/the-importance-of-translation-services-1830749.html

  13. http://www.thelanguagetranslation.com/services-industry.html

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