42883 (Human being hypostases in "Gulliver’s travels" by Johnatan Swift), страница 4


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After the researching of the novel “Gulliver’s Travels” by Johnatan Swift we can assert that the changing hypostases really took place in the behavior and morality of the protagonist. We were interested to see how the protagonist has changed both spiritually and physically. The physical changes lie on surface, we know that the main character changed his size, but to track the spiritual changes was more difficult. We can draw a conclusion that the travels of the main character have changed his inner world completely.

While some enjoy Gulliver's Travels as a diversionary story, it is clear that it was not written primarily for this purpose. There are many concepts and ideas within the novel that were clearly written to challenge and trouble. Swift accomplishes his aim very well through his use of humor and comments on society.

Swift vexed people with Gulliver's Travels by designing his imaginary societies to parallel his own. He thus created conflict between those with more power and those with less, the latter wanting change and the former wanting to prevent change. This may have troubled those who did not question the status quo, who may agree with the powerful people because they are happy with their life. However, Gulliver's Travels is a sincere comment on Swift's society that would garner both respect and ridicule. This novel is a very interesting political analysis and satire of various governments and societies. The author compares each land to the government and society of his native England.

We could notice that the author, through his descriptions, contemplates different types of governments. Many of the governments he describes are depictions of governments in existence at the time in which the author lived. The author's own discontent with the English government and European society is the focus of this novel. Through fanciful imaginings, the author depicts chaotic and ridiculous lands that closely resemble the European countries of his time. Many of the conflicts in the novel correspond to actual events. Numerous characters actually represent members of European society.

So it’s a well-known fact that the author uses this novel as a satire and criticism of English and European governments and societies. It is through this novel that the Author expresses his own political beliefs by favorable or disparaging descriptions of the different lands. Towards the conclusion of the novel, the Author describes his total rejection of European Government and society. He longs for an ideal country to exist like the one he had seen in the land of the Houyhnhnms. Swift was just one of the many Europeans who was unhappy with the political and social environment in Europe. This discontent was what caused many Europeans to leave and come to the New World, to America. This dissatisfaction is what founded our country today. The Land of the Houyhnhnms is what many of the unhappy Europeans hoped the New World to be.

The novel “Gulliver’s Travels” has made a profound impression on readers as well as on whole cultures. From its earliest days till nowadays, “Gulliver’s Travels” has received universal acclaim as a masterpiece of satirical prose.


  1. Bullitt, John M. Jonathan Swift and the Anatomy of Satire: A Study of Satiric Technique. Cambridge: Harvard U P, 1953.

  2. Crecicovschi Ecaterina” The Anthology of English Literature 17th-18th centuries” Chisinau, 2004

  3. Dennis Nigel. Swift and Defoe // Swift J. Gulliver's Travels. An Authoritative Text. - N.Y., 1970. 

  4. Forster, John. The Life of Jonathan Swift. London: J. Murray, 1875.

  5. Johnson, Samuel "Swift." The Lives of the English Poets: and a criticism on their works. Dublin

  6. Nokes, David. Jonathan Swift, a Hypocrite Reversed: A Critical Biography. New York: Oxford, 1985.

  7. Johnson, Samuel "Swift." The Lives of the English Poets: and a criticism on their works. Dublin, 1779-81.

  8. Karl Frederick R. A Reader's Guide to the Development of the English Novel in the 18th Century. - L., 1975. 8. Lawlor, John. "The Evolution of Gulliver's Character." Essays and Studies. London: The English Association, 1956. 69-73.

9. H. L. Mencken, Introduction, Gulliver's Travels. New York 1925

10. Swift, Deane, 1707-1783. An Essay upon the Life, Writings, and Character, of Dr. Jonathan Swift. 1755. New York: Garland Pub., 1974.

11. Smith, Raymond J., Jr. "The `Character' of Lemuel Gulliver." Tennessee Studies in Literature 10 (1965).

12. Zimmerman, Lester F. "Lemuel Gulliver." Weathers, Jonathan Swift: Tercentenary Essays (1967) 61-73.

13. Watt Ian. The Rise of the Novel. - 1957.

14. Дубашинский И.А. «Путешествия Гулливера» Джонатан Свифт, Москва 1969

15. Уотт Айэн. Происхождение романа (1957). Пер. О.Ю. Анцыфаровой // Вестник МГУ. Серия 9. Филология. - 2001. - № 3. - С.147-173.

16. Урнов Д.М. Робинзон и Гулливер: Судьба двух литературных героев. - М., 1973.

1 Crecicovschi Ecaterina” The Anthology of English Literature 17th-18th centuries” Chisinau, 2004 ( p193)

2 The Tories were the political ancestors of the present-day Conservatives; the Whigs of the Liberals.

3 The subject of Wooten’s fine poem

4 Crecicovschi Ecaterina” The Anthology of English Literature 17th-18th centuries” Chisinau, 2004 ( p.168)

5 Karl Frederick R. A Reader's Guide to the Development of the English Novel in the 18th Century. - L., 1975. 

6 Watt Ian. The Rise of the Novel. - 1957.

7 Уотт Айэн. Происхождение романа (1957). Пер. О.Ю. Анцыфаровой // Вестник МГУ. Серия 9. Филология. - 2001. - № 3. - С.147.

8 Sir Leslie Stephen

9 Swift, Deane, 1707-1783. An Essay upon the Life, Writings, and Character, of Dr. Jonathan Swift. 1755. Swiftiana 14. New York: Garland Pub., 1974.

10 Johnson, Samuel "Swift." The Lives of the English Poets: and a criticism on their works. Dublin, Whitestone, Williams, Colles, Wilson 1779-81.( p.155)

11 Forster, John. The Life of Jonathan Swift. London: J. Murray, 1875. (p.48)

12 Nokes, David. Jonathan Swift, a Hypocrite Reversed: A Critical Biography. New York: Oxford, 1985.

13 Craik, Henry. LIFE OF SWIFT. Swift: Selections From His Works. Oxford, The Clarendon Press, 1892.

14 H. L. Mencken, Introduction, Gulliver's Travels. New York, 1925

15 Bullitt, John M. Jonathan Swift and the Anatomy of Satire: A Study of Satiric Technique. Cambridge 1953.

16 Johnson, Samuel "Swift." The Lives of the English Poets: and a criticism on their works. Dublin, 1779-81.

17 Lawlor, John. "The Evolution of Gulliver's Character." Essays and Studies. London: 1956.

18 Урнов Д.М. Робинзон и Гулливер: Судьба двух литературных героев. - М., 1973.

19 Smith, Raymond J., Jr. "The `Character' of Lemuel Gulliver." Tennessee Studies in Literature 10 (1965).

20 Dennis Nigel. Swift and Defoe // Swift J. Gulliver's Travels. An Authoritative Text. - N.Y., 1970. 

21 Smith, Raymond J., Jr. "The `Character' of Lemuel Gulliver." Tennessee Studies in Literature 10 (1965).

22 Smith, Raymond J., Jr. "The `Character' of Lemuel Gulliver." Tennessee Studies in Literature 10 (1965).

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