43149 (Архитектура Великобритании), страница 2


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A. It is a plant grown for its striped leaves and blue, white, or pink flowers. It is also called spiderwort. The name comes from modern Latin, named for John Tradescant or his son. The name of the plant is________________.

В. It comes from Africa. It's a perennial plant that is widely cultivated for its showy flowers that are often unusual or irregular in shape. It was introduced in late 18th century and named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, queen of George III. It's called_______________________.

С It's commonly called wax plant or porcelain flower or wax vine. In fact, it is an Asian and Australian evergreen climbing plant or shrub that is related to milkweed and bears waxy white flowers. It was named after the English gardener Thomas Hoy. It's original name is_______________________.

1.3. A house of a person of means is often a mirror reflecting the image of the owner. Do you agree with the statement? Give a couple of examples to prove the above.


2.1. Taking into account the indisputably original character of Belsay, we can suggest the idea of Sir Charles Monk's originality, can't we? Take a mental note of Sir Charles' views on life and love, on lakes and lawns.

2.2. Mark the sequence in which the following themes are discussed:

  • Belsay gardens present a unique medley of local and tropical plants, that looks as natural as it can be;

  • Belsay Hall attracts visitors by its architectural perfection making it one of the most magnificent estates in the Border Country;

  • Belsay gardens are located in the former quarry, which supplies special microclimate;

  • the original nucleus of the estate was Belsay Castle;

  • the grounds are a perfect place for crochet;

  • bewitched by the Greek arch style, Sir Charles Monk renovated his estate.

2.3. Explain the meaning of the words and expressions taken from the tape:

- the Border Country - a romantic tableau

- an eccentric - to be bewitched by

- a medley - to quarry

- a landscape architect - the feeling of utter seclusion

- features on the wail - sumptuous gardens


3.1. Think of all the components that make Belsay Hall a harmoniously beautiful landmark of the Border Country. Which of them seems to you the most stunning one?

3.3. One author described a fabulous house surrounded by picturesque environs like "a jewel in a ring". This metaphor can be well-applied to Belsay Hall, cant it? Can you come up with some of your own metaphors to refer to Belsay Hall?



1. In the video you will hear several outstanding historical figures mentioned. Some of them are: William the Conqueror, Sir Winston Churchill, QueenMother. Do you know anything about their role in history?

1.2.These words will help you to grasp the narrator's speech better:

- astride - a sweeping view

- a rampart - a siege

- a keep - a stronghold


2.1. Try to catch the names of two more famous Britons mentioned in the narration. Both were military leaders. Their names are…Can you say anything about their role in the history of Britain? Which of them appeals to you more and why? Don't hesitate to defend your point of view.

2.2. Give answers to the following questions:

a) Where and with what purpose was Dover Castle built?

b) What is its oldest surviving building? By the way, does the name ring a bell?

c) What can you say about Hubert De Burk and his contribution to the castle appearance and role?

d) The castle retained its strategic importance for centuries didn't it? Why was it put to military use during World War II?

e) What is so special and unique about Dover Castle?

2.3. Dover Castle is often referred to as the key to England. Pay special attention to the information who and when tried to use that "key".

2.4. The conclusion to the narration is that Dover Castle is the most important coastal defense work in Europe and probably one of Europe's best preserved strategic strongholds. Take note of the facts to prove that.


3.1.Watch the video again and find detailed information for the following:

a) Dover Castle in Early Britain;

b) Dover Castle in the Middle Ages;

c) Dover Castle in the 19th century;

d) Dover Castle during World War II and in the period of the so-called nuclear threat.



1.1. Some architectural relics owe their fame to myths or legends. Could you recall but a few of such places located anywhere in the world.

1.2. Comment on the following passage from Thomas Malory's Death of Arthur. "Yet many men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of Our Lord Jesus into another place; and many men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the holy cross. I will not say that it shall be so, rather I will say that here in this world he changed his life. But many men say that there is written upon his tomb this verse: HIC IACET ARTHURUS, REX QUONDAM REXQUE FUTURUS. (Here lies Arthur, the once and future king.)" What does this text imply?


2.1. Two enigmatic personalities are mentioned in the video. Try to catch their names and try to recall where and when you might have come across the information about them. Are they just mere names or more than that?

2.2.These words will help you understand the narrator's speech better. Make sure you understand them well.

- to jut out - an enigma

- a causeway - obscure

- to foster(somebody)

2.3. Complete the following statements according to the narration.

Tintagel Castle is a place without _________________on the British Isles.

The building site must have been a former ________________________.

The evidence is that it could have been the stronghold of ____________.

Legend has it that it was in Merlin's cave that _____________________.

Tintagel's fame is based not on fact but on ________________________.


3.1. Fact and fiction are intertwined in Tintagel Mythology. Separate fact from fiction with the help of the following chart.



    1. So what is it that draws crowds of curious tourists to this enigmatic place: historic facts or legends? Try to argue your point.

    2. If you ever made up your mind to go to Tintagel, what would be your primary reason to do so? Explain your point of view.

    3. Use the information in Appendix 3 to tell a magical Tale of Tintagel.

AUDLEY END (2 часа)


1.1. There are some mansions and palaces that simply compel us to describe them in such terms as "magnificent", "opulent", etc. Could you name several places with such excellent characteristics?

1.2. Biblical themes and allusions are many in any form of art. Architecture and painting are no exception. What do know about the Last Supper. Why are so many works of art dedicated to this mythological meal?

1.3. Read the information below about an outstanding English landscape gardener. He is better known under his assumed name. Identify this name, which is a very unexpected one, by the way, while listening to the narration.

Lancelot Brown (1715-1783) is an English landscape gardener who codified and popularized the principles of "English", or "natural", landscape gardening. Building on the work of his predecessor William Kent, he rejected the geometric formality of the reigning French style in favor of more informal designs based on sweeping curves and natural groupings of trees and lawns. His landscapes often included artificially made but natural-looking lakes and watercourses. He landscaped more than 100 estates. Under his influence, the English style spread throughout Europe.

1.4. These word-combinations may come appear very handy while watching the video:

- the cream of the collection

- to complement something

- a huge undertaking

- to take pride of place

- a treasure trove


2.1. While watching the video try to remember all the British monarchs whose names are connected with Audley End. Can you give any details concerning that connection?

2.2. Complete the sentences:

1) Originally Audley End was so magnificent that...

2) Audley End is distinguished by ...

3) At this or that time of its long history Audley End was linked with...

4) …adds to its splendor

5) Different elements like the Tea Houses Bridge, etc were added to.

6) The family accommodation was ... while the first floor was distinguished for....

7) Nowadays Audley End is one third of its..., but... nonetheless.


3.1. Explain the meaning of these names and terms used in the narration.

  • Lord-treasurer

  • East Anglia

  • Jacobine

  • Venice

  • Dodges' Palace

  • St Mark

  • Christie's

  • Carpenter's Gothic



1.1. Naturally, you must have heard a lot or at least something about Stonehenge. What period do you think it belongs to: (1) Anglo-Saxon; (2) Celtic; (3) Roman; (4) Norman' Share your knowledge with others.

1.2. These words will help you comprehend the method that was used by prehistoric engineers while constructing Stonehenge:

- sandstone - bluestone

- a sarsen - a lintel

- mortise and tenon joints


2.1. Some of the stones that comprise Stonehenge bear names. Try to memorise them and think what could have given rise to this or that name.

2.2. Find out what exactly makes Stonehenge so unusual in terms of architectural design.

2.3. Complete the sentences below and then arrange them in the order they

appeared in the video:

a) Exactly why and how Stonehenge was built and...

b) 3500 years ago this was a temple made...

c) The original entrance was marked...

d) This astonishing construction is...

e) The stones were held together by...

f) At the focus of a central bluestone horseshoe is...

e) The "heel"stone is the one over which...


3.1. While watching the video try to find the clues that could prompt an inquisitive mind a somewhat different version of Stonehenge's original designation.

3.2. Read through the information below and explain why the mystery of Stonehenge will never cease to captivate our imagination.

Why Stonehenge was constructed remains

3.3. Can you offer your own version what exactly Stonehenge was used for? Exchange your versions with your groupmates and find the most plausible one.

3.4. Now that you've seen the place live, share your ideas about what exactly Tess of the d’Urbervilles might have felt when she got to Stonehenge on that fateful night.



1.1. October 14,1066. Does that date ring a bell? What history-making event took place then? What do you know about King Harold or about William the Conqueror?

1.2. These words might prove helpful in understanding the narration.

- to atone (for)

- a cloister

- a brazier

- a novice

1.3. While watching the video try to concentrate on some helpful clues that can give a hint at what kind of man William the Conqueror could have been. Charles Dickens in "A Child’s History of England" wrote, "O Conqueror! Of whom so many great names are proud now, of whom so many great names thought nothing then, it were better to have conquered one true heart than England!" Explain why the great novelist said so.


2.1. Complete the following sentences and arrange them in the order they appear on the tape:

a) The monks lived in this huge building which...

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