42839 (English in business), страница 5


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a) Define your personal brand vision. When was the last time you thought about what you want to achieve at work over the next three, five or ten years? Ask yourself questions both about specific career objectives (What do I want to become? How much do I want to earn?) and about general professional objectives (What kind of leader do I want be? What kind of team do I want to work in?). This process enables you to devote the appropriate amount of energy to the right areas and also plan to reach meaningful career goals.

b) Define your personal brand. The second step is to define a unique and impressive professional brand. Start by creating a short statement of who you are: the values you represent, your key qualities, and what makes you unique. Tom Peters suggests that your uniqueness include not only general personality descriptions, but also four key aspects of working life: your vision and style as a leader; what makes you special as a team member; your technical expertise: and your ability to help deliver results. Think about your own uniqueness by answering the following questions. You will find some useful examples of language to answer these questions, see the survival guide section.

Leadership vision

  • What inspires and motivates you?

  • How do you inspire and motivate others?

  • Where are you taking people?

Team focus

  • What do you see as your greatest strength in team?

  • What do your colleagues admire most about you?

  • What's special about working with you in a team?

Technical ability

  • Where are you excellent?

  • What are you known for doing better than others?

  • What is your particular genius?

Pragmatic results

  • What have you achieved that you are most proud of?

  • What will you deliver to your management?

  • What unique benefits do you offer the customer?

c) Promote your personal brand. No matter how good a brand is, it will be of little value if it isn't promoted well. That is why companies spend millions on advertising to increase the visibility of their brands. The same is true of personal branding. It is essential to move on from creating the brand to making sure it is experienced by key stakeholders — that is, the people with whom you work and who have direct or indirect influence over your career development.

3 Read the first part of the text quickly once more and find the words and phrases that match the definitions below:

a) excellent knowledge or skill in your professional subject

b) the feature of being very special, unusual

c) the relationships between people in business, organization

d) something important in your job that you hope to achieve

e) the process of creating your special image

f) the state of being more popular

g) the main personal characteristics

(personal branding, greater visibility, working partnerships, meaning career goals,

key qualities, uniqueness, technical expertise)

4 Read the second paragraph, discuss the importance of the enlisted benefits. Which one is the most important in your opinion? Write the list of the benefits of personal branding in the order of importance from your point of view.

5 Read the third paragraph and

a) name the three key steps in creating a personal brand (don’t look into the text)

b) answer the questions from part 1 in close pairs, then in open pairs

c) speak about your uniqueness using four key aspects of working life from part “d”. You will find some useful examples of language to answer the questions in the survival guide section.

d) speak about the importance to promote your personal brand, use no more than 3 sentences.

6 Write down 10 words and expressions from the first part of the text, which you think are the most suitable to speak about personal branding.

! Home assignment:

1-write down your personal brand vision, using no more than three sentences,(see the survival guide section)

2-wrte down your own personal brand statement, using no more than three sentences, use a list of useful personality adjectives from the survival guide section.

7 Read the second part of the article


IY Communicating your brand

There are various channels you can use to promote your unique personal brand in the workplace.

a) The work channel. Effective personal brand promotion is more than telling everyone how wonderful you are. The best way to showcase your talent to others is to find opportunities to work with them. Look for new projects where you could play a role. Volunteer informal support and advice to those who might benefit from your experience. Don't expect opportunities to fall into your lap; you need to look actively. And don't get impatient if benefits don't appear immediately. Allow your reputation to grow slowly but surely. As a way of getting started, commit yourself to one extra task for the coming four weeks that will enhance your reputation with a significant decision maker.

b) The people channel. One of the best forms of marketing is personal recommendation or "word of mouth". It is essential to cultivate a strong network of carefully selected people who like and respect you. Such people can act as multipliers for your brand in conversations with other decision makers. Some people like to join professional networking sites: others increase the number of strategic lunches they take part in. Whatever method you use, it is important always to think about whether you are spending the right amount of time with the right people talking about the right things. Your aim is to ensure that your "stakeholder network" understands your values and talks about you in the right way.

c) The emotional channel. Corporate brands use emotions to connect strongly to customer desires, such as the wish to be successful or attractive. Your personal brand also needs to manage emotions. In their book Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate, Fisher and Shapiro identify four areas of emotion that need to be managed in business contexts. Think about these four areas for your personal brand:

Appreciation. People feel good when they see that they are liked. When people meet you, do they feel liked and appreciated by you?

Affiliation. We usually have more positive feelings towards people with whom we have something in common. When people meet you, how clearly do you communicate that you are similar?

Autonomy. We need to feel a sense of control over our own destiny. Do people feel empowered and autonomous when they are with you, or do you threaten their independence and expertise?

Status. People need to feel respected. How does your personal brand communicate respect for others? How does talking to you confer status on others?

To gain their customers' trust and loyalty, companies try to make the experience of their brand an enjoyable one. Effective personal brands work in the same way. Do people find it enjoyable and rewarding to be around you?

d) The visual channel. When people see you, they should experience credibility, authority and openness. For example, when you are making a presentation, an open posture with strong and controlled gestures normally helps to build your brand better than shifting from foot to foot or waving your arms around wildly. Choice of clothing, hairstyle and portables, such as a briefcase and laptop, also communicate your values. And think also about your written communication, including e-mails, presentation slides and even your handwriting on a flip chart. What do the information load, format and design say about you?

e) The auditory channel. What do people think when they hear you? Are they inspired, or do they have mixed feelings towards you and your approach to business? Does your voice persuade with warm and friendly tones, or does it create discomfort with dull intonation or shrill tones? Do people "hear" you smiling on the telephone? If you don't know what people really think of you when they hear you, start asking!

Y The culture question

Creating and communicating a personal brand is not easy. For example, what should you do if you feel that the key people in your professional network don't like your personal brand? What if they respect alternative values and behaviours? Should you change yourself and risk becoming inauthentic?

There is no easy answer here, but it can help to think about this problem in two parts. If you believe that key stakeholders have the wrong perception of your talents, then you need to work on improving the promotion of your brand. If on the other hand, your brand values genuinely offer little to your stakeholders, think about whether you can adapt your brand, or whether you need to find another place to work.

Culture can play a key role in brand communication. Whatever values or information we try to transmit, the receivers of our message will see or hear us and interpret the message according to their own mental model and filters. For example, you may wish to promote a brand that says you are direct and honest, but others may experience you as aggressive and pushy. Or, you may want to promote the patience and empathy of your empowering leadership, only to find that others see you as indecisive and lacking direction.

You are likely to have a number of diverse audiences for your brand campaign at work. These may include different national cultures, departmental cultures, age and gender cultures, different business relationships (for example, that between a customer and a supplier) and, of course, the individual personalities of your colleagues, managers and business partners. All these audiences will have distinct needs and perspectives and may experience you in different ways. Effective personal branding requires a clear vision and message but, above all, intelligent promotion to diverse audiences.

YI Always be selling

Developing and communicating your personal brand is not enough. You also have to "walk the talk". Are you a leader who breeds confidence and trust with analytical excellence and good people-management skills? Are you open for feedback and do you act to improve yourself even when the messages you get are difficult to accept? If not, your brand may be compromised. Remember that every encounter represents an opportunity to sell "Brand You", from first impressions in casual social encounters and the many e-mails you write each day to taking part in international meetings or presentations. Effective brands are consistent brands. So make sure that how you look, sound and act at all times sends a consistent message about who you are and what your unique value is.

8 Read the fourth paragraph of the text quickly and find the words and phrases that match the definitions below:

a) to present somebody’s abilities or good qualities

b) when people tell each other about it (not read or write, only speak)

c) people or companies that are involved in a particular project, especially if they invest money in it

d) to give somebody the power or authority to do something

e) to make people feel that they are respected by you

f) to have the feeling of trust and belief

1-experience credibility

2-stakeholder network

3-to communicate respect for others

4-to showcase

5-to feel empowered

6-word of mouth

9 Check your memorizing skills. Name five channels which you can use to promote your unique personal brand, don’t look into the text.

10 Read part “c”(paragraph IY) once more and

a) try to explain what the words “appreciation, affiliation, autonomy, status” mean

b) complete the sentences with proper words mentioned above

The job of a university teacher brings with it high ________ and good income.

His_______ to the most powerful political party gives him high position in the society.

Frenchmen usually show great_______ to women.

Young people would like their parents to give them greater ________ autonomy in their personal life.

c) answer the questions you can find in the parts c, d, e.

11 Read paragraphs Y and YI quickly. Try to summarize in a sentence what each part (a-f) is about

12 Find key words and expressions(at least 10) suitable to speak about developing and communicating your personal brand from paragraphs Y and YI.

13 Match each sentence 1-6 to the sentence( a-f) that should logically follow it, don’t look into the text

1-What should you do

2-It can help you to think

3-Whatever values or information we try to transmit

4-Effective personal branding requires

5-Are you a leader who breeds

6-Every encounter represents an opportunity

a) confidence and trust with analytical excellence and good people-management skills?

b) if you feel that the key people in your professional network don’t like your brand?

c) to sell your personal “Brand You”

d) about this problem in two parts

e) a clear vision and above all, intelligent promotion to diverse audiences

f) the receivers of our message will see or hear us

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