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Л.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальности (Л.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальност)

PDF-файл Л.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальности (Л.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальност) Английский язык (95034): Книга - 1 семестрЛ.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальности (Л.Ш. Атабаева - Английский язык. Технические факультеты и специальност) - PDF2021-04-01СтудИзба

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Министерство образования и науки Российской ФедерацииНОВОСИБИРСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ81.2 АнглА 647№ 3848АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫКТехнические факультетыи специальностиМетодические указаниядля студентоввсех технических специальностейНОВОСИБИРСК2010ББК 81.432.1-923А 647Составители:Л.Ш.

Атабаева, О.С. Атаманова, С.А. Вандакурова, Л.И. Ваштаева,Т.В. Волошина, А.Е. Гамм, М.Д. Голышева, Е.В. Гужева,О.В. Иванова, О.И. Кондратьева, Ю.С. Кудинова, А.А. Ни,С.Я. Ленгутина, Т.П. Маковская, К.В. Пиоттух, А.С. Сергунцова,А.А. Теленгатор, В.Д. Терентьева, О.В. Иванова, Е.В. КаминскаяРецензент канд. пед. наук, доц. В. Н. АфонасоваРабота выполнена на кафедре иностранных языков ТФ НГТУНастоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов технических специальностей, по которым ведется подготовка в НГТУ.Целью пособия является формирование у студентов коммуникативнойязыковой компетенции в области своей специальности, которая реализуется вразличных видах речевой деятельности, как устной, так и письменной.

Основной принцип работы состоит в активизации студентов с помощью коммуникативных упражнений. Все тексты и задания связаны с профессиональнойподготовкой будущих специалистов и соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту.Методические указания включают в себя восемь модулей, каждый из которых включает пять разделов, систему лексических и грамматических упражнений с учетом вокабуляра и грамматических структур, характерных дляподъязыка специальности.Указания могут быть использованы для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы, в зависимости от целей, поставленных преподавателем.© Новосибирский государственныйтехнический университет, 20102Compiled by Ivanova. O. V.

(Units 3, 4),Kudinova Yu. S. (Units 2, 5), Lengutina S. Ya (Unit 1)MODULE IAircraft FacultyUnit 1Before you read1.1. Answer the questions:1. What is the name of the faculty you study at?2. Why have you chosen this faculty?3. What do you know about your future profession?4. Do you know what specialities your faculty provides?5. What do you know about your faculty? Share the information withyour group mates.1.2. Read the textAIRCRAFT FACULTYAviation industry and space engineering are the most advanced and rapidly developing branches of national economy. Modern aircraft have greatflight speeds, maneuverability, reliability, comfort and ecological safety.Only advanced countries can produce aircraft of high competitive capacity.Russia is one of these countries. All advantages of aircraft become possibleif their creators-scientists, engineers, technicians and workers are well educated and skilled.The Aircraft Faculty of Novosibirsk State Technical University was setup in 1956 to meet the needs for highly qualified specialists in the sphere ofdesigning and manufacturing aircraft and systems.

It trains engineers, researchers and scholars who will be able to apply the latest achievements ofaerospace and military technologies in all branches of national economy.Students are given fundamental theoretical training and practical skillsin a wide range of major engineering subjects. Special attention is devotedto bringing up new generations of researchers. The main goal of the academic staff is not only to give students the knowledge and skills necessaryfor their professional careers of engineers but to develop their talents of generating new ideas.3The academic staff of the Faculty make a great contribution to the development of aerospace engineering bringing fame and high reputation tothe faculty. The Aircraft Faculty of NSTU is famous in the world for itsachievements in science and technology as well as a high quality of training.Young people from many countries prefer to get education at this Faculty.The Faculty has a great number of well-equipped laboratories with acomplete range of instruments and machines for specialized courses, computer classes equipped with up-to-date personal computers having an accessto the Internet.During the period of studies students undergo their practical training inspecialized laboratories at the Institutes of the Siberian Division of RussianAcademy of Sciences and leading aviation institutions and plants of Novosibirsk.

Students may enrich their knowledge and better prepare for professional and research work in the Student‟s Design Office set up at the Faculty.The Faculty awards Bachelor‟s, Engineer‟s and Master‟s degrees. Graduates may prefer to undertake a Postgraduate programme of study leadingto a higher degree.The students of the Faculty may major in any of the following areas:1) Airplane and helicopter construction2) Life-support systems3) Aero hydrodynamics4) Dynamics and strength of machines5) Mechanical equipment of aircraft6) Destruction weapon and ammunition7) Environmental protection systems8) Manufacturing processes and production safety9) Low temperature physics and engineering10) Economics and management in aircraft constructionThe graduates of the Aircraft Faculty work as engineers, designers andtechnologists at aviation plants, design departments and research institutionsand occupy professional, technical and managerial positions in the localadministration, city council and federal government of the Russian Federation.Vocabulary1.

aircraft – летательный аппарат, самолет2. aerospace – аэрокосмический3. ammunition – боеприпасы44. branch – отрасль5. competitive – конкурентоспособный6. city council – мэрия, муниципалитет7. designing – проектирование8. design office – конструкторское бюро9. destruction weapon – средства поражения10. dynamics – динамика11. environmental protection systems – система защиты окружающейсреды12.

economics and management – экономика и управление13. enrich- обогатить14. flight – полет15. helicopter – вертолет16. hydrodynamics – гидродинамика17. life-support systems – системы жизнеобеспечения18. maneuverability – маневренность19. manufacturing process – технологический процесс20. national economy – народное хозяйство21. reliability – надежность22.

safety – безопасность23. space engineering – космическая техника24. strength of machines – прочность летательных аппаратов25. scholar – ученый26. to meet the needs for – удовлетворить потребность в27. up-to-date – современный28. weapon – оружиеComprehension1.3. Answer the questions1. What main features do modern aircraft possess?2. Does Russia produce modern aircraft?3. What is necessary for Russia to be among the countries capable ofproducing aircraft of high competitive capacity?4.

When was the Aircraft Faculty of NSTU set up?5. What specialists does the Aircraft Faculty train?6. What knowledge and skills does the Faculty give its students?7. Is the Faculty well-equipped? What is it equipped with?8. Where do the students of the Faculty receive practical training?59. What specialities does the Faculty provide?10. What opportunities are there for the graduates of the Faculty?Vocabulary development1.4.

Match English words to their Russian equivalents1. speeda) конкурентоспособный2. maneuverabilityb) конструкторское бюро3. competitivec) отделение4. design officed) обогатить5. divisione) скорость6. enrichf) маневренность7. helicopterg) защита8. life-supporth) оружие9. weaponi) вертолет10. protectionj) жизнеобеспечение1.5. Make pairs of synonyms:1. scholar2. goal3.

rapidly4. produce5. up-to-date6. undertake7. safety8. maneuver9. capacitya) modernb) quicklyc) manufactured) aime) scientistf) securityg) to start doingh) abilityi) moveGrammar revision1.6. Open the brackets using the verbs in the form of the Gerund orParticiple1. Russia needs good specialists in the sphere (to design and manufacture) aircraft.2. The scholars (to work) at the faculty are famous in the world.3. Computer classes are equipped with personal computers (to have) anaccess to the Internet.4. Our specialists possess the talent (to generate) new ideas.5. The Faculty offers a program of study (to lead) to Candidate ofScience degree.66.

Russia is one of the countries capable (to produce) competitive aircraft.7. Students participate in research work (to bring) fame to their Faculty.8. The Faculty pays special attention to (to bring up) new generations ofresearchers.Speaking1.7. Make a presentation on “The Aircraft Faculty”Unit 2Before you read2.1. Read the following international words:academician [∂‚kædι'mι∫n]monoplane ['mon∂υ‚pleιn]aviation [‚eιvι'eι∫n ]modernization [mod∂naι‟zeι∫n]biplane ['baι‚pleιn]maneuverable [m∂ „nu:v∂r∂bl]bomber ['bom∂ ]legend [„ ledз∂nd]parachute [ ‟pær∂ ‚∫u:t]2.2. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B.AB1. inventв) project2. constructb) soar3.

designc) build4. glided) drawing5. typee) devise6. sketcht) kind2.3. Use the words from 2.2 in the sentences below, change the form ifnecessary.1) Scientists …a test that shows who is mostly like to get the disease.2) Leonardo da Vinci‟s … show an immensely intensive and inquiringmind.3) We are doing …on pollution.4) …a square with the sides of 5 centimeters.5) I don‟t like that … of thing.6) She watched the dove …above the trees.72.4. Match the words in A with their Russian equivalents in B.1.

a number ofa) с помощью2. aboutb) через, сквозь3. untilc) тоже, также4. by means ofd) c тех пор5. too closee) около, приблизительно6. throughf) ряд, несколько7. alsog) пока (не)8. soh) слишком близко9. since theni) таким образом10. beforek) до, перед2.5. Translate the following into Russian:Man-flight, man-powered aircraft, man-made aircraft, fixed-wing glider,powered airplane2.6. Make the list of pioneers of aviation, then read the text and complete your list.PIONEERS OF AVIATIONThe history of Man's achievement in flight goes back through centuries.The first recorded attempt of flying in heavier-than-air craft is found in theGreek legend of Daedalus and his son Icarus who succeeded in propellingthemselves through the air by means of wings attached to the body withwax.

But the experiment proved fatal to Icarus who flew too close to theSun, which melted the wax, the wings dropped off and he was drowned inthe sea.In the 15th century the great Italian painter, scientist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci began his investigations into the possibility of man-flight.He designed the first men-powered aircraft and devised a fixed-wing gliderand a helicopter. He also invented the first prototype to the modern parachute. Leonardo constructed a number of models with which he experimented. But his mathematical calculations, observations and sketches demonstrating his ideas on the possibility of soaring in the air came to lightonly in the late 19th century.Since then many experimenters tried to build and fly man-made aircraft.But successes were random until in the 19th century a German scientistO.Lilienthal designed and constructed several types of gliders.

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