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foley m. - new total english upper-intermediate workbook - 2011 (ответы Foley M. - New Total English Upper-intermediate Workbook ), страница 3

PDF-файл foley m. - new total english upper-intermediate workbook - 2011 (ответы Foley M. - New Total English Upper-intermediate Workbook ), страница 3 Английский язык (59937): Книга - 4 семестрfoley m. - new total english upper-intermediate workbook - 2011 (ответы Foley M. - New Total English Upper-intermediate Workbook ) - PDF, страница 3 (2020-05-24СтудИзба

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I (7) was able (8) !Q get a refund .A: Did you have (9) !Q show them the receipt.B: No, luckily I didn't have (10) !Q.b~;6Listen and check the pronunciation. Thenrepeat the sentences.The present and futureObligation and ability. . Complete the dialogue with forms of words from the box.BII Read all the sentence endings andchoose possible (.I) or not possibleaskbegetyou catc hlivemeetrepairshe stay(X) for each. Think about meaning andta kegrammar.you leave1Ana : (1)so soon? You've only just arrived!Luis: I know, but I (2)Helen a at one o'clock.Ana : Oh .

How (3)b yo u should wear a tie.she?informal clot hes.in a plaster cast!2in plaste r?it off in thea Carla had been able to fi x it.next week or two.Ana : That's not too bad, I suppose. Is there anything I can dofor her?3Luis : Like what?a long way from the shops -Lu is: That's a nice idea. I (8)her when I see her later.(9)the bus back to town?back. They (10)most of the journ ey.4b we should have ca ught the bus .closed at the moment.c we had to go by taxi.5The pastbrackets.(meet) my girlfriend wh il e I _ _ __(d rive) to a nice(have) a delicious supper.I wanted to go to the art ex hibi tio n because I _ __ _(miss) the train because when we(get) to the stat ion it(a rr ive) at t he beac h it was really hotWhen weand the sun(shine) - so weoff) our clothes and(take(run) into the sea.I(make) a terrible mistake yesterday - w henI(get) to the airport I realised1 _ ___(leave) my passport at home l7Most of the in habitantsearthq uake8DDc you shouldn't smoke here .DMatch the expressions (1-6) with th edescriptions (a-f) .1Really? And then w hat happened?2I really must go .

But it was great tomeet you.3Ni ce to meet you too.4So, you must know this area we ll ?5How long have you been a student here?6Th at's quite right.aAsk a direct questionbReformu late someone's answer in toanot her quest ion(s leep) when the first(strike) the town .I showed the children a DVD of The Lion King, but they_ _ _ _ (see) the film so often that they _ __ _(know) all the songs by heart and t heybit boring.m(a lreadyleave) .6b you don't have to smoke here.How to ...After the show las t night we(no t see) any of Picasso's paintings before .5DDD(work)as a waiter in Prague in 2009.WeDTh is is a food preparat ion area so ...a you mustn't smoke in here.Complete the sentences using suitable forms of th e words in_ _ __DMy uncle offered us a lift so ...a we didn't have to get a taxi.the bridge so the main road isrestaurant andDc we should have stood up forAna : Right.

Well make sure you take the by-pass on your way4The train was completely full and allwhole journe y.Luis : No, I've got my motorbike .3Db we had to stand up for theAna : Well, it was lovely to see you again.2Dc he was able to repair it for me.a we didn't have to stand up.I cou ld he lp her w ith the shopping._ __ _Db I can rep air it yesterday.the seats were taken so ...Ana : I know she (7)1DMy computer broke down butluckily ...Luis : I'm not sure, but I th ink they (6) _ __ _gDDc you don' t have to wearLu is: Not too bad.

She (4) _ __ _ better but her leg is stillAna : How long (5)It's a very formal restaurant so ...a you have to wear a tie.(find ) it acFinish a conversation politelydAgree wit h someone's pointeSound intere sted in the other pe rsonRespond t o a greeting•I've had an argu men t with mybe st friend and I'm not speakingto him any more._ _ _ _ _ with my be st7Family/relationshipsUse the clues to complete the crossword.friend.SI'1I,C ~.CI~,[' I,1I11girls in his offi ce.Adjectives/nouns~ Complete the blog using-CHenry's having a rel ationsh ipwith on e of t he girls in hisoffice.Henry _ _ __ _ one of thea"adjectives or nouns from the box.Four of the wo rds are not needed.1I,"artistic impor tanc eimportan t intellectualjea lous loneli ness lonelyre sponsibility re spon si bleski ll success successfulr--I1john's _ _ divorced hi m after they'd been marri ed for ten year s.2She isn't marr ied but she's got a _ _ .3I don't know him well.

He's only an _ _ .4He's an old frie nd - we are very _ _ .5Ctare's a __ of mine - we bo th wo rk in the trave l age ncy.6She's perfec t for you. I'm su re you'II __ with her.I come from quite a large family.The great thing about a large fam ilyis t hat you never feel (1 ) _ _ __be cause the re's always someone tota lk to.7j've got two _ _ sisters from my mother's previous ma rr iage.8He made a good _ _ on hi s new bos s.My elder brother, James, is a9I prefer to discuss problems fac e to _ _ .university profe Ssor. He's very10We're in separab le - I feel he's my real _ _ .(2)- his hobby isreading Greek philo soph y 1 I 'm the11t don't see eye to __ with my sis ter.12He's th e son of my mother's new husba nd.

He's my _ _ -brothe r.(3 )on e in the fami ly.I'm a graphic designer. My twinPhrasal verbs (relationships)aComplete th e second sentence so that it has the same meaning asthe first , using the correct forms of phrasal verbs from the box.brin g upshow off123fall outsplit upget on go out withtake afterlook up toI really admire.But my young er Sister, Kate , is themost ( 5)of us all - she'sthe managing director of a hugecompany.

She has the ultimate(6)Brendawi th Lucy.for more than 250I've always ad mi red my grand mother.enormous sa lary wh ich we are allI've always _ _ _ _ _ my grandmother.a little (7)Of' But in theend money doesn 't matter. TheIt can't be easy rai sing th ree children on yo ur own.Mi chae l an d jane have en ded their re lationship .Wh y does you r bro the r try to impress us all the time?Why does yo ur brother _ _ _ _ _ all the time?6(4 )workers. Of course, she earns anMichael and jane _ __ __5amazing th ings with wood. It's aBrend a and Lucy have a good rela tion ship._ _ _ _ _ th re e child ren on yo ur own can't be ea sy.4brother, Martin, is the practica l one.He's a carpenter and he can doSurinda looks just like her moth er.Suri nda _ _ _ _ _her moth er.(8 )thing is that we allsupport each other.•:f'Reading..

aRead the newspaper article quicklyand choose the best title.1Chinese Motorways2Speed Tourists3Europe's New De stinationb Read the article again . Write thequestions for these answers.1seven years2120,0003speed48,0005a Mercedes, an Audi or a BMW62408600CD For years. tourists (I)othat oITering a Mercedes.an Audi or a BMW capable of 240 kilometres per hour toholidaymakers is the best way of bringing in much-neededforeign exchange.For the last few years the Chinese economy (5) _ _ __rapidly and as a result there are plenty of Chinesetravellers wealthy enough to aITord the €3 ,000 charged fora six-day 'autobahn tour'.

The prices they are chargingmay seem high , but the 'speed tourists' claim that the thrillof driving at speeds which would almost certainly lead toprison sentences back at home far outweighs the expenseinvolved .words or phrases from the article.two more nouns that mean tourists2two more nouns that mean roads3another expression that means travelcompanies _ _ __4an adverb that means almost5 an adjective that means like somethingfrom a story or legend _ __ _6 an ·ed adjective that means theopposite of put off! discouragedWhat is it about Germany's autobahn s that tempts touriststo travel from halfway across the world? The answer issimple - speed .

More than 8.000 kilometres of Germanmotorways have no speed limit - something which isvirtually unique in the modern world. Few Europeansrealise that Germany 's superb roads have an almostmythical reputation in Asia . where highways are oftenovercrowded. poorly maintained and full of potholes.CD Tour operators (4)C Match the descriptions (1-6) to1to Europe to enjoy its manyattraction s. From the beaches of the Mediterranean to thecastles of Scotland. Europe has something for every kindof holidaymaker to enjoy. Now travel agents (2) _ _ __a new and rather unexpected attraction to the list - theGerman motorway system. For the last seven years, travelChinese tourists to Germany tocompanies (3)experience the thrill of driving on its ·autobahns·.

This yearmore than 120.000 are expected to arrive.8)But this new form of tourism (6)so popularwith the locals. German road -safet y groups (7) _ _ __negatively to the arrival of the Chinese speed tourists.Figures published by the World Health Organisation showthat more than 600 people die on China's roads every day.Even taking into consideration the huge population ofChina. this is still a horrifying statistic.

But the Chinesedrivers are undeterred. pointing out that since they firststarted coming seven years ago. there (8)nomajor accidents invol ving speed tourists .Grammar I Present Perfect Simple andPronunciation I connected speech(2)maContinuous~ Complete the gaps in the articl e (1-8) usingPresent Perfect Simple or Continuous forms of theverbs from the box. You may need to use negati veor passive forms.Look at the underlined words (1- 8) thentick (.I) which ones would be said with a wea kform.A: (1) Have you ever (2) been (3) !.Q Paris?B: Yes, I (4) have.[aaddbe bri ngprovere actdiscoverex pandflock)A: What (5) was it like?B: It (6) was expensive lA: (7) Was it? I'm surpr ised (8) !.Q hear that lMake responses from the prompts usingappropriate forms of the Present Perfect Simple orContinuous and any other necessary words.Why are you so red?1/ liebListen and check your an swers.

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