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Н.Э. Шарабарина, Л.В. Кулик - English for Junior Students of the Humanities - Unit 4

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UNIT 4YOUTH'S PROBLEMSPre-text exercisesEXERCISE 1 Practise readingthe following words and collocationsa)responsibilities, adulthood, psychologists, physically, emotionally, teenagers, youths, alcohol,lawbreaker, curfew, poverty, pregnancies, marijuana, cocaine, commentators, unintentionally,approximately, misconceptions.b) period of adolescence, human behavior, searching for self-identity, church group projects,juvenile delinquents the mid-1990s, traditional disagreements., work around the house, leisuretime, undisciplined and egocentric, political turmoil, peer pressure, drag abuse, false identificationcards; sexually active teens, federal welfare assistance, encourage teenage pregnancies.c) values expressed by their friends, difficulties in their relationship with their parents, this period oftheir lives, according to a national survey/, two-thirds of all American youths, majority of youngpeople, compared to those of earlier times, prohibit the sale of alcohol, a 43 percent increasein the number of teenagers, bad neighbourhood conditions.WHAT IS IT LIKE TO BE A YOUNG PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES? 18 years of age, young people in the United States can take on most of the rights andresponsibilities of adulthood.

Before this occurs, however, the American teenager goes through theperiod of adolescence. Psychologists say that most young people experience conflict during this periodof their lives. They are changing rapidly, both physically and emotionally and they are searching forself-identity. As they are growing up and becoming more independent, teenagers sometimes developdifferent values from those held by their parents. American teenagers begin to be influenced by thevalues expressed by their friends, media (newspapers, television, magazines, etc.) and teachers.

Duringthis period of their lives people also begin to participate in social activities as well as to do more in thecompany of members of the opposite sex and fewer things in company of their families.While for most American young people teenage years are nearly free of serious conflict, allyouths face a certain number of problems. Some young people have difficulties in their relationshipswith their parents or problems at school which may lead to use of alcohol or drugs, the refusal toattend school or even running away from home. In extreme cases, some might turn to crime andbecome juvenile delinquents (a lawbreaker under 18 ).What do American teenagers think about their families? According to a national survey takenduring the mid-1990s, between one-half and two-thirds of all American youths have a "comfortable"or "happy" relationship with their parent or parents.

Their traditional disagreements are over suchthings as curfew (time to come home at night), whether or not to attend religious services, doingwork around the house and the friends with whom the young person spends his/her leisure time. Asurvey entitled "The Mood of American Youth", published by the National Association of SecondarySchools Principals, also indicates that the majority of young people agree with the opinions and valuesof their parents.To some observers teens today may seem spoiled (undisciplined and egocentric) compared tothose of earlier times. The reality, however, is different. While poverty has decreased and politicalturmoil has lessened, young people are still under many types of stress peer pressure, changing familyconditions, mobility of families, and unemployment are just a few reasons why some young people maytry to escape reality by turning to alcohol or drugs.

However, most young people in the United Statesdo not have problems with drinking, drag abuse, teen pregnancies or juvenile delinquency. Drag use(marijuana and cocaine are the most commonly used drugs) has decreased among young people in theUnited States within the last 10 years, though alcohol abuse has increased. to a 1991 government survey, about 8 million teenagers are weekly users of alcohol,including more than 450,000 who consume an average of 15 drinks a week.

And, although all 50 statesprohibit the sale of alcohol to anyone under 21, some 6.9 million teenagers, reported no problems inobtaining alcohol using false identification cards. Although many teenagers say they never driveafter drinking, one-third of the students admitted they accepted rides from friends who had beendrinking.Aside from alcohol and drug abuse, another problem of America's youths is pregnancy amongyoung women. One million teenagers become pregnant each year. Why are the statistics so high?The post-World War baby boom resulted in a 43 percent increase in the number of teenagers in the1960s and 1970s.

The numbers of sexually active teens also increased. And some commentatorsbelieve that regulations for obtaining' federal welfare assistance unintentionally encourage teenagepregnancies.About one million young people run away from home each year. Most return after a few days ora few weeks, but a few turn to crime and become juvenile delinquents. In the 1990s, approximatelyone-third of those arrested for serious crimes were under 18 years of age.

Why are young peoplecommitting crimes? Among the causes are poor family relationships (often the children were abused orneglected while growing up), bad neighborhood conditions, peer pressure and sometimes, drugaddiction.However, for every teenager experiencing such problems many more are making positive andimportant contributions to their communities, schools and society. Millions of young people in theUnited States are preparing for the future in exciting ways.

Many teenagers are studying for collegeentrance exams or working part-time jobs after school and at the weekend. Others are doing voluntarywork at hospitals, helping the handicapped, exhibiting projects at science fairs or programmingcomputers.Most American youths look forward to their future with hope and optimism. According to thesurvey "The Mood of American 'Youth", teenagers place a high priority on education and careers.

Theyadmit that hard work lies ahead and claim they are willing to make the sacrifices needed to reach theirgoals.Many young people are headed towards four-year college and universities. More than half of allstudents in the United States plan to earn a college degree. Many others look forward to getting a jobafter high school or attending a two-year junior college. Others plan on getting married. The median age formales getting married for the first time is 26.2 years old and 23.8 years old for females.Other young people intend to join the armed forces or volunteer organizations. For some, travel isthe next step in gaining experience beyond high school.

During the early 1990s, career success was theprime goal of most young people, but by the end of the decade attitudes were changing and youngpeople were becoming more idealistic. A 1998 survey of high school leavers showed that "making acontribution to society" was more than twice as important to young people as "making a lot of money".ACTIVE VOCABULARYCONTENT ANALYSISEXERCISE 1 Answer the questions on the text. In each case draw a parallel with the Russian youth1. At what age do young people at the United States take on the rights and responsibilities ofadulthood? What are their rights and their responsibilities?2.

' Why do young people experience conflict during the period of adolescence?3. Why do most American teenagers begin to be influenced by the values different from those oftheir parents?4. What are the most typical pjroblemsoung people face?5. What do American teenagers think about their families?6. What are the reasons for stress which some young people may experience?7. What is the tendency in drug and alcohol abuse in the US?8. Comment on the post-World War baby boom from demographic point of view.9. Is there a direct connection between federal welfare assistance and teenage pregnancies?10. What are the causes of juvenile delinquency?11. Speak on positive contribution of millions of young people to their communities.12.

What are the priorities of most American youths?EXERCISE 2 Choose any aspect of youth's life. Collect information and make a 5-minutepresentation on the subjectCOMPREHENSION CHECKEXERCISE 1 Translate from English into Russian. Analyze the main differences in bothlanguages1. they are growing up and becoming more independent, teenagers sometimes developdifferent values from those held by their parents.While the teenage years for most American young people are nearly free of seriousconflict, all youths face a certain number of problems.To some observers, teens today may seem spoiled (undisciplined and egocentric) compared tothose of earlier times.While poverty has decreased and political turmoil has lessened, young people are still undermany types of stress.However, for every teenager experiencing such problems many more are making positive,important contributions to their communities, schools and societies.EXERCISE 2 Paraphrase and interpret the following sentences in English1.

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