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Н.Э. Шарабарина, Л.В. Кулик - English for Junior Students of the Humanities - Unit 2

PDF-файл Н.Э. Шарабарина, Л.В. Кулик - English for Junior Students of the Humanities - Unit 2 Английский язык (36498): Книга - 2 семестрН.Э. Шарабарина, Л.В. Кулик - English for Junior Students of the Humanities - Unit 2: Английский язык - PDF (36498) - СтудИзба2019-04-28СтудИзба

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МОСКОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТим. М.В. ЛОМОНОСОВАЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ ФАКУЛЬТЕТН.Э. Шарабарина, Л.В. КуликENGLISHFOR JUNIOR STUDENTS OF THE HUMANITIESUNIT 2МоскваТЕИС2001UNIT 2LANGUAGE AND CULTUREPre - text exercises EXERCISE 1Practise reading the following words and collocationsa) adult; cycle; framework; merge; inhabitants; merely; gradually; variability; challenging;behaviour; currency; alienated; though; through; temporarily; occur; eventually;nevertheless.b) overwhelming task; classic symptoms; culture shock; new surroundings; a frighteningexperience; exciting things; personality differences; gentle interest; mild listlessness; feelthe full force.c) ideas and images; language and culture; assumptions and behaviors and beliefs; thinkingand acting; exciting and interesting; to go out and explore; emotions and senses; broaderand more flexible; being and thinking; friends and families.d) for a short time or forever; stages of adjusting to the newness of the culture; a heightenedstate of emotion; to be intensely aware of everything; tend to run together; to accomplishsimple tasks; foundations of their identity; cope with their fear; withdrawing from the newculture; retreating back to being spectators; depending on the individual; out of thedepression and sense of loss; needless to say; going from excitement to despair.THE STAGES OF ADJUSTMENT1.

Someone who goes to stay in a foreign country, whether it is for a short time or forever,passes through several stages of adjusting to the newness of the culture. If the stay is goingto be short, the person moves quickly through the stages. If the stay will be long, the stageslast longer. Even children, who seem more adaptable than adults, go through theadjustment cycle, though they pass through it rather quickly.2. The first stage of adjustment begins before the travelers even leave home. During thisstage they form ideas and images of what life in the new country will be like.

In a way,they imagine themselves into the new way of life. It is a way to begin adjusting to thechange.3.In the second stage, which begins when the travelers arrive in the new country,everything is new and interesting. The travelers are in a heightened state of emotion, andtheir moods swing wildly up and down. While they are intensely aware of everythingaround them, they have no framework into which to put what they see and smell and hear.All their impressions tend to run together, or merge.

Travelers at this stage are passive.They watch the inhabitants of their new land, but they do not join in. They are merelyspectators.4.As the travelers spend more time in the new country, the second stage gradually givesway to the third, or participation, stage. During this stage, the travelers begin entering intothe life of the new country. They are no longer spectators, but begin taking part.

And asthey participate, difficulties arise. They make mistakes; they find it difficult to accomplishsimple tasks in a new country with an unfamiliar language and customs.5.This is the stage where there is the most variability. Some travelers find it challenging.They learn from their mistakes and gradually begin to feel more a part of the country.Others find the task of adjusting nearly overwhelming. But even those who find it difficultgradually - almost against their will - begin participating more and more.2-60846.As the travelers participate more in the life of the new country, they begin changing.What was strange becomes similar.

What was difficult becomes easy. What seemedimpossible becomes possible. Bit by bit they leave behind some of the assumptions andbehaviors and beliefs which were part of them in their native land and begin thinking andacting more like the inhabitants of the new country. They have entered the fourth, orculture shock, stage of adjustment.7.By the fourth stage the travelers are functioning well. The language is no longer thestruggle it once was. The currency is no longer unfamiliar. They know what to expectand how to get what they want.8.And just at this time a strange thing happens.

They begin to feel more alienated thanthey did when they first arrived. Though life has become easier and they are coping well,they become irritable. Some become depressed. What they once found exciting andinteresting in the new country is now annoying or hateful. They no longer want to go outand explore their new surroundings. They withdraw into themselves.

They areexperiencing the classic symptoms of culture shock.9.What has happened is that by adjusting to their new surroundings, they have lost theirsense of self. In giving up a little of their old culture and taking on some of the new, thevery foundations of their identity are threatened. It is a frightening experience, and theycope with their fear by withdrawing from the new culture and temporarily retreating backto being spectators.

Some even find that they can no longer use the new language as wellas they had only days or weeks before.10.This stage, the culture shock stage, may be long or short, depending on the individual.Eventually, though, the travelers begin participating again in the culture and they find totheir amazement that they no longer feel so foreign. Out of the depression and sense ofloss they experienced in the fourth stage comes real adjustment to the new land. They areless excited than they were in stage two, but their experiences are no longer a blur ofheightened emotions and senses.

They participate more than they did in stage three, butwith less effort. In short, they have adapted to and become a part of their new country.11.The final stage, the re-entry stage, occurs when or if the travelers return to their nativelands. When they do, they find that they are not quite the same people as they were whenthey left. They have changed. Their values may be broader and more flexible.

They havelearned new and often better ways of being and thinking. Their friends and family seemslightly narrow and inflexible. Worse, their friends and family are only mildly interestedin the exciting things that happened to them during their stay abroad. To theiramazement, they feel just a little bit foreign in their own homeland.12.Needless to say, personality differences influence to the degree to which travelers gothrough these stages of adjustment.

For some, the second stage is merely one of gentleinterest in their new surrounding, while they experience culture shock only as a mildlistlessness or lack of interest in what is going on. Others feel the full force of each stage,going from excitement to despair, fully aware of the imbalance they experience as onestage gives way to another.

Nevertheless, all travelers go through these stages ofadjustment to a greater or lesser degree, and none return to their homes as quite the samepeople who left.(from Insights into Academic Writing by Margot C. Kadesch )NOTE: Mind some differences in British and American dialectsGreat Britainthe United StatesDifferent prepositions( a shop ) in Bond StreetAt the weekendQuarter to 8 (time 7:45)On Bond StreetOn the weekendA quarter of 8Vocabulary differencesBill ( in a restaurant)HooverLiftPavementPostal codePostmanTown centreUndergroundShopAluminiumBehaviourCatalogueCentreCheque ( for a bank )ColourMarvellousProgrammeTravellerTyre ( of a car, bicycle etc.)Get, got, gotDive, dived.

DivedCheckVacuum cleanerElevatorSidewalkZip codeMail manDowntownSubwayStoreSpelling variationsAluminumBehaviorCatalogCenterCheckColorMarvelousProgramTravelerTireDifferent verb formsGet got, gottenDive, dove, divedACTIVE VOCABULARY1. adapt (v)-smth: ~ plans - изменять планы-oneself to/for/ - адаптироваться, приспособиться к ч.-л.~to smth: ~to the idea, to new circumstances - смириться с мыслью, приспособиться кновым обстоятельствамadaptable (a) :an ~ person - легко приспосабливающийся человек2.

adjust(v)~ smth: ~ the equipment, ~ the economy - наладить оборудование, сбалансироватьэкономику~ to smth.- a change, ~ new environment, ~ new conditions - подстроиться / приспособиться к перемене, новой среде (окружению), новым условиям adjustment (n)to make necessary ~s - осуществить необходимые переменыadjustable (a): easily ~ device - легко регулируемый прибор3. arise(v) arose, arisensmth~s : a problem ~s, a question ~s, a new difficulty ~s - возникает проблема, вопрос,новая сложностьThe question is bound to — Неизбежно возникает вопрос...4.

assume (v)~ smth: to ~ a new name , ~ responsibility - принять / выбрать новое название / имя,взять на себя ответственность,Let us ~ that ... - Допустим, что ...It is possible / difficult / sufficient to ~ that... - Можно /сложно / достаточнопредположить, что...It can well be ~ ed that... - Легко предположить / допустить, что...We have sufficient ground to ~ - У нас имеется достаточно оснований предположить...~ ing this to be true... - Предполагая /допуская, что это верно...assumption (n)certain ~: correct ~, wrong ~, basic ~, general ~, classical ~ - верное предположение,ложное, основное, общепринятое, классическое положениеOn this ~ - Исходя из этого ...We proceed from the -that - Мы исходим из того положения, что...5. depend (v)~ on/upon smth : ~ on the circumstances, ~ on conditions, ~ on qualities - зависеть отобстоятельств, условий, качеств~ upon smb / smth: ~ upon a person, ~ upon a guide - полагаться на человека, полагатьсяна путеводительdependent (a) - зависимый, обусловленный,dependence(n)certain ~ : close, direct ~ on/upon smth - тесная , прямая зависимость от чего- л.(inter )dependence (n) - (взаимо)зависимостьThat ~s - Как сказать ...It all ~s how / where / what...

- Всё зависит от того, как / где / что ...6. degree(n)certain ~: a considerable ~ , various ~ - значительная, различная степеньto a greater or lesser ~ - в большей или меньшей степениto a certain ~, in some ~ - в известной степениТо what ~? - До какой степени? В какой мере ?Not in the least / slightest ~ - ни в какой, ни в малейшей степени, ничуть, нисколько7. differ(v)~ from each other/ one another - отличаться друг от друга~ in appearance - быть непохожими~ from smb about / on smth - не соглашаться с кем-либо по поводу чего-либоTastes ~ - о вкусах не спорят ~ in opinion - расходиться во мненияхdifference(n)~ in smth : ~ in appearance, ~ in character, ~ in culture - различие во внешности,характере, культуре-of opinion - расхождение во мнениях, разногласияmake a ~ (between) - проводить различия (между)It makes a great ~; It makes all the ~ - В этом-то все и дело.

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