Language_Leader_Int_Binder (Language Leader Intermediate)

PDF-файл Language_Leader_Int_Binder (Language Leader Intermediate) Английский язык (16451): Книга - 5 семестрLanguage_Leader_Int_Binder (Language Leader Intermediate) - PDF (16451) - СтудИзба2017-12-28СтудИзба

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UNIT 1: LANGUAGE PRACTICEPersonality adjectives, question forms, prefixes and present simple andcontinuous1 Below you will read three different discussions between colleagues who worktogether in an office. Fill in the gaps and answer the questions.AHe is terrible at making decisions.BI know, he’s so indecisive1, he will never make a good manager.CWho isBOh, I didn’t see you there. We were just talking about Dave Saunders.21?In C’s question above, is the wh- word the subject or the object?3AMr.

Simpson can be soother people’s feelings.BI know. I was at the photocopier the other day and he told Natasha from the officethat her sweater was far too small for her.AYou’re joking! Oh my word!5Csometimes. He just doesn’t seem to be aware of4you think he has a sensitive bone in his body?you seen his jumpers? They aren’t exactly top Paris fashion, are they?6What tense is C’s question – present simple, present continuous, past simple or presentperfect?AHave you seen Carla yet this morning?BSheAReally? Why?B8Well, she(arrive) ten minutes late every single day so I expect she9__________ (get) a warning.710A(talk) to Elaine Bryson in the Director’s office.there a reason why she1211(be) always late?BI don’t know but she’s soto get into any trouble.AI know. She does work extremely hard.

It never used to be like this. Management_____________13 (watch) us so carefully now, we don’t seem to have any freedom.BWhenANot for a while now.1514once she gets here that she doesn’t deserveyou last have a good talk to her?In B’s final question, is the wh- word the subject or the object?Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education.All rights 1: Language PracticeUNIT 1: LANGUAGE PRACTICETEACHER’S NOTESAim:Time:Materials:to give further practice in personality adjectives, question forms, prefixes andthe present simple and present continuous.This worksheet is designed to be used after Lesson 1.3.20 to 30 minutesphotocopies of the worksheet for each studentPersonality adjectives, question forms, prefixes and present simple andcontinuous1Clarify to students that they are recycling and extending the grammar and vocabularyaims of the unit.

Make sure they understand that the content is three separateconversations between colleagues at work.1indecisive (the opposite of ‘decisive’. Compare also: sufficient / insufficient; capable /incapable; competent / incompetent)2‘Who’ is the subject. This is a subject question. Think of the full answer: ‘Dave isindecisive.’ ‘Dave’ is the subject of this sentence.3insensitive (the opposite of ‘sensitive’)4Do (present simple question)5Have6C’s question is a present perfect question.

This could be present perfect for the‘recent past’ or for ‘general experience’.7is talking (an action happening around now)8arrives (this is a regular or habitual action)9is getting (an action happening around now)10is (question with ‘be’)11is (regular or habitual action)12hard-working13is watching or are watching (a trend or a changing situation)14did (past simple question)15‘When’ is the object. This is an object question. Think of the full answer, e.g.

‘I lasthad a good talk to her two weeks ago.’Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education.All rights 1: READINGOPTIMISTS AND PESSIMISTSThe study of personality has changed in recenttimes and more focus is now placed on thedifferent ways that people understand theirenvironments. One example of this type ofapproach is the study of optimism andpessimism. So what is the definition of optimismand pessimism?In contrast, optimists will most likely view a poorexam result as useful feedback.

They will take itas a warning that they need to change their studyhabits or exam preparation techniques. Optimistsoften then make the decision to change thataspect of their study patterns and would fullyexpect to do better in the next exam.Optimists tend to see all the events in their livesin a positive light. Everything seems positive tooptimists. Even negative events may still beviewed as having the potential to be positive.Pessimists on the other hand generally focus onthe negative potential of everything.In general, and not surprisingly, optimists dobetter in life.

Taking students as an example,optimists generally believe that factors such asmaking an effort and improving study habits willlead to better results. Of course such beliefs leadto greater achievement. In one academic study,low-achieving students did much better whenresearchers helped them to overcome theirnegative feelings.For example, pessimists who receive a poorgrade in an exam will probably see this as aproblem with their ability. In other words, they willsee a poor grade as their own fault.

Alternatively,pessimists may blame an external reason that isnot within their control, e.g. a poor exam questionor a strict examiner. The result is that pessimistswill have lower expectations for the future andthis can even lead to depression.However, optimists should be careful.

Overoptimistic people can sometimes ignore potentialproblems. Indeed, a person who is alwayspositive in every situation, including times ofcrisis, is unlikely to be considered normal.1 Based on the information in the article, are the following statements ‘true’, ‘false’ or‘don’t know’?1Being an optimist always results in better outcomes. false2Optimists are likely to blame bad results on other people.3Optimists can sometimes view bad events as having potentially positive outcomes.4Pessimists will always view a poor exam result as their own fault.5Low-achieving students are always pessimistic.2 Choose the best definition for the following words from the text:12overcome (para.

5)a)to successfully deal with something or control itb)to forget about somethingc)to achieve somethingover-optimistic (para. 6)a)not optimistic enough (negative meaning)b)too optimistic (negative meaning)c)very optimistic (positive meaning)Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education.All rights 1: READINGTEACHER’S NOTESAim:Time:Materials:Warmerto give further practice in reading skills in the subject area of Unit 1;to give practice in reading for specific information;to develop further awareness of prefixes.This worksheet is designed to be used after Lesson 1.3.20 to 30 minutesphotocopies of the worksheet for each studentWrite ‘optimists and pessimists’ on the board.

Brainstorm ideas about whatcharacterises these different types of people. If students have a lot of ideas,you could ask them to do Exercise 1 before they read. They could then readto confirm or reject their answers.1Students read the text and decide if the statements are ‘true’, ‘false’ or ‘don’t know’based on the content of the article.1False. See paragraph 6. Being too optimistic can result in people viewing you asabnormal if you are extremely positive in very negative situations.2False. See paragraph 4. Optimists usually view bad results as an indication that theyneed to improve something that they are doing themselves.3True. See paragraph 2. Even in negative situations, optimists may think that there willbe positive outcomes.4False.

See paragraph 3. Although pessimists will sometimes view a bad result astheir own fault, they may also blame it on an external factor.5Don’t know. The article doesn’t tell us this. In paragraph 5, one study is mentionedwhere low-achieving students were helped to improve by researchers who assistedthem in being more positive. This does not imply that all low-achieving students arepessimistic.2Students choose the correct definition for the words.

You can use this to do furtherwork with the prefix ‘over’.1a)2b) When added to an adjective, this has a negative connotation. An over-excitedperson is too excited.Possible follow-up activities1Students discuss the positive and negative aspects of pessimistic and optimisticpeople in given situations. Students devise situations where it is better to be apessimist.2Students discuss whether people can be categorised as optimists and pessimists orwhether all people have elements of both in different situations.3Role-plays where students play very pessimistic or very optimistic roles.Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education.All rights 1: STUDY SKILLSComparative text patternsText AThere are clearly differences between men and women but are these differences as big as wethink? The most common distinctions between the two sexes are often presented as proof thatmen and women are essentially two different animals.

Anatomically, there are obviousdifferences between men and women and these are defined even before we are born. Men tendto be aggressive and assertive whereas women are peace-loving and sensitive. Men are alsooften antisocial compared with the caring and social nature of women. It is also often said thatmen are good at mathematical tasks while women are better at subjects such as literature andlanguages. Finally, men are presented as being single-minded and unable to cope with morethan one task at a time. In contrast, women are able to multi-task and cope simultaneously with anumber of situations.Text BThere are clearly differences between men and women but are these differences as big as wethink? The most common distinctions between the two sexes are often presented as proof thatmen and women are essentially two different animals.

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