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Курчаткина Г.П., Стручкова С.Б. Обучение чтению литературы на англ.языке по спец. САУ для студентов старших курсов (2014) (Курчаткина Г.П., Стручкова С.Б. Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности "Системы автоматического управления" для студентов старших курсов (2014))

PDF-файл Курчаткина Г.П., Стручкова С.Б. Обучение чтению литературы на англ.языке по спец. САУ для студентов старших курсов (2014) (Курчаткина Г.П., Стручкова С.Б. Обучение чтению литературы на английском языке по специальности "Системы автоматического управления" для студентов старших курсов (2014)) Английский язык (108517): Книга - 5 семестрКурчаткина Г.П., Стручкова С.Б. Обучение чтению литературы на англ.языке по спец. САУ для студентов старших курсов (2014) (Курчаткина Г.П., Стручкова 2021-07-28СтудИзба

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Московский государственный технический университетим. Н.Э.БауманаГ.П. Курчаткина, С.Б.СтручковаМетодические указанияУМКДЛ2-28 2008/2009Обучение чтению литературы на английском языкепо специальности «Системы автоматического управления»для студентов старших курсовУДК 802.0ББК 81.2 Англ-923Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана2014 г.Научный редактор к.п.н., доцент Стасенко И.В.ПредисловиеПредлагаемые методические указания предназначены для студентовстарших курсов МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, изучающих системыавтоматического управления.Методические указания содержат 3 модуля, в которые входят основнойтекст (А), предназначенный для самостоятельной работы студентов ипредполагающий изучающее чтение, и дополнительные тексты (B, C, D),предназначенные для ознакомительного и просмотрового чтения, а такжепредтекстовые и послетекстовые упражнения.Одной из основных целей данных методических указаний являетсясовершенствование умения чтения с общим охватом содержания и чтения сэлементами анализа оригинальной научно-технической литературы.

Поэтомулюбая работа с текстом начинается с просмотрового чтения, что позволяетвоспринимать текст как единое целое. Задания по составлению собственногоплана изложения позволяют критически оценивать и переосмысливатьпрочитанное, перегруппировывать полученную информацию, что являетсянеобходимым для написания аннотаций и рефератов.Авторы сознательно не выделяли активный словарь к каждому тексту,так как задания и отсутствие вынесенной лексики способствуют работе сосправочными материалами, в том числе с электронными источниками, чтодает возможность расширить и углубить знания по изучаемойспециальности.В конце пособия помещены упражнения на повторениеграмматических конструкций, а также список латинских слов и сокращений,наиболее часто используемых в научно-технической литературе, и глоссарий.Методические указания помогут будущим специалистам лучшеориентироваться в потоке публикаций на английском языке, использоватьинформацию применительно к собственной сфере деятельности, такимобразом расширяя кругозор и повышая свой профессиональный уровень.3UNIT 1Task 1.

Skim text A and speak about its main points.Task 2. Find the following word combinations in the text and give their Russianequivalents:for the benefit of humankind; control system engineers; to provide usefuleconomic products; the twin goals of understanding and control; an arrangement ofcomponents; specified inputs; an engineering system; the internal workings of thecomponent elements; a mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical or electronicsystem; the overall picture; actual position; desired position; making adjustments;by switching the heater on or off; to express the physical system in terms of amodel.Task 3.

Read and translate the text using a dictionary. Choose, underline andwrite out words and word combinations which are essential for your speciality.Remember them.Text A. SystemsEngineering is concerned with understanding and controlling the materials andforces of nature for the benefit of humankind.

Control system engineers areconcerned with understanding and controlling segments of their environment, oftencalled systems, in order to provide useful economic products for society. The twingoals of understanding and control are complementary because, in order to becontrolled more effectively, the systems under control must be understood andmodeled.A system can be defined as an arrangement ofcomponents within some boundary which worktogether to provide some form of output from aFigure 1.

Systemspecified input or inputs (Fig. 1). The boundarydivides the system from the environment and the4system interacts with the environment by means of signals crossing the boundaryfrom the environment to the system, i.e. inputs, and signals crossing the boundaryfrom the system to the environment, i.e.

outputs.With an engineering system an engineer is more interested in the inputs andoutputs of a system than the internal workings of the component elements of thatsystem. By considering devices as systems we can concentrate on what they dorather than their internal workings. Thus if we know the relationship between theoutput and the input of a system, we can work out how it will behave whether it bea mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical or electronic system. We can see theoverall picture without becoming bogged down by internal detail.Control systems are systems that are used tomaintain a desired result or value (Fig. 2).

Forexample, driving a car along a road involves the brainof the driver as a controller comparing the actualFigure 2. Control systemposition of the car on the road with the desiredposition and making adjustments to correct any error between the desired andactual position. A room thermostat is another example of a controller, it controllingthe heating system to give the required room temperature by switching the heateron or off to reduce the error between the actual temperature and the requiredtemperature.With a systems approach to control we express the physical system in terms ofa model with the various physical components described as system blocks and withinputs and outputs and the relationship between the inputs and outputs expressedby means of a mathematical equation.(1960)Task 4. Give definitions to:system; control system; inputs; outputs.5Task 5.

Match a verb in A with a noun in B. Make up sentences with the resultingword combinations using the information learnt from the text.ABto maintainan errorto makea systemto correctan adjustmentto reducethe differenceto modela valueTask 6. Answer the questions.1. What is engineering concerned with?2. What are control system engineers engaged in?3. Why are the twin goals of understanding and control complementary?4. What is a system?5. How does the system interact with the environment?6.

What is an engineer interested in in the case of an engineering system? Why?7. What is the purpose of a control system?8. How is the physical system expressed with a system approach to control?Task 7. Speak about control systems using Figs. 1 and 2.Task 8. Skim text B and speak about its main points.Task 9. Read text B with a dictionary to know its content in detail and completethe tasks that follow.Text B.

Block DiagramsA useful way of representing a system is as a block diagram: within theboundary described by the box outline is the system and inputs to the system areshown by arrows entering the box and outputs by arrows leaving the box. Fig.

3(a)illustrates this for an electric motor system; there is an input of electrical energyand an output of mechanical energy in the form of the rotation of the motor shaft.While we can represent a control system as a single block with an input and anoutput, it is generally more useful to consider the system as a series of6interconnected system elements, with each system element being represented by ablock having a particular function. Thus, in the case of the driver of a car steeringthe car along a road we can consider the overallcontrol system to have the elements of (1) thedriver with an input of the actual position he/shesees of the car on the road and also his/herthoughts on where the car should be in relation tothe road giving an output of the hands turning thesteering wheel; (2)the car steering unit with theinput of the steering wheel position and the outputof the front wheel positions and hence theFigure 3. Examplesof block diagrams to representsystemspositioning of the car on the road.

Fig. 3(b) showshow these elements might be represented.In drawing formal block diagram models a number of conventions to representthe elements and connections are used:1. System elementA system element is shown as a box with aninput shown as an inward directed arrow and anoutput as an outward directed arrow (Fig. 4(a)).2. Information flowsA control system will be made up of a number ofinterconnected systems and we can draw a modelof such a system as a series of interconnectedblocks. Thus we can have one box giving anoutput which then becomes the input for anotherbox (Fig. 4(b)). We draw a line to connect theFigure 4. Block diagramelementsboxes and indicate a flow of information in thedirection indicated by the arrow; the line does not necessarily represent a physicalconnection or the form of a physical connection.73.

Summing junctionWe often have situations with control systems where two signals are perhapsadded together or one subtracted from another and the result of such operationsthen fed on to some system element. This is represented by a circle with the inputsto quadrants of the circle given + or − signs to indicate whether we are summingtwo positive quantities or summing a positive quantity and a negative quantity andso subtracting signals (Fig.

4(c)).4. Take-off pointIn the case of the car driving system shown in Fig. 3(b), the overall output is theactual position of the car on the road. But this signal is also tapped off to becomean input to the car driver so that he or she can compare the actual position with therequired position to adjust the steering wheel accordingly.

As another illustration,in the case of a central heating system the overall output is the temperature of aroom. But this temperature signal is also tapped off to become an input to thethermostat system where it is compared with the required temperature signal. Sucha 'tapping-off' point in the system is represented as shown in Fig. 4(d).(2582)Task 10. Label the elements of a block diagram in Fig.

4.Task 11. Make up a plan for this text in the form of questions. Discuss thequestions with the others in your group.Task 12. Summarize the text according to this plan.Task 13. Render into English.Систему управления можно разбить на блоки, имеющие вход и выход.Для того, чтобы показать взаимосвязи этих блоков, используют структурныесхемы. На них каждый элемент изображается в виде прямоугольника, внутрикоторого записывается его передаточная функция. Вход и выход блокапоказывают соответственно «входящей» и «выходящей» стрелками. Длясуммирующих элементов используют специальное обозначение – круг,разбитый на сектора.8(374)Task 14. Skim text C and say what it deals with.Task 15. Read text C with a dictionary to know its content in detail and completethe tasks that follow.Text C.

Control Systems ModelsThere are two basic forms of control systems, one being called open-loop andthe other closed-loop. In an open-loop control system the output from the systemhas no effect on the input signal to the plant or process. The output is determinedsolely by the initial setting. Open-loop systems have the advantage of beingrelatively simple and consequently cheap with generally good reliability. However,they are often inaccurate since there is no correction for errors in the output whichmight result from extraneous disturbances.Open-loop control is often used with processes that require the sequencing ofevents by on-off signals, e.g.

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