Module 6_StudentsBook (Решения заданий 5 и 6 модуля учебника)


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Student’s Book

Module 6. Advances in space research.

1. Advances in space research.

ex. 1

  1. space

  2. universe

  3. Earth

  4. astronaut

  5. weightlessness

  6. planets


  1. Yes, I am.

  2. Absolutely, yes. It’s useful in our lives and in science.

  3. Yes.

  4. There is no atmosphere in space => vacuum, radiation, meteors, comets and etc.

ex. 3

  1. Less than 600 people have been into space so far.

  2. Astronauts have to put up with weightlessness in space.

  3. T

  4. T

  5. Astronauts practise their spacewalk in swimming pools.

  6. The European Space Agency sends astronauts to Sardinia for the survival training.

  7. T

  8. According to Nasa's website, 18,300 people applied to join their 2017 astronaut class.

ex. 4

  1. exerting, exercise, prevent

  2. before, weightlessness

  3. practice, feels, swimming pool


  1. water, float, similar

  2. planes, sudden, fast

  3. out, conduct, zero gravity

ex. 6

  1. 565

  2. Zero gravity, g-force

  3. When the weight of all things is about 0 (not mass). It causes the wasting of the bones and muscles. Training on the Earth and on the space.

  4. By training in pools and in special planes.

  5. In case they land in unplanned place.

  6. Growing plants, crystals, testing of materials etc.

ex. 7

  1. prohibition

  2. giving advice

  3. necessity

  4. ability

  5. obligation

  6. permission

ex. 8

  1. are able

  2. cannot

  3. might

  4. could

  5. cannot

  6. ought to

  7. might

  8. should

  9. may

  10. must

ex. 9

  1. Can you go to the library today?

No, I have things to do.

  1. Will you be able to consult a doctor about your problem?

Yes, absolutely.

  1. Can you go to the swimming pool?

No, I can’t. My both legs are broken.

  1. Were you able to pass a driving test?

No, and that’s a pity.

  1. Can you have your hair cut?

No, I have no money for that.

  1. Are you able to book two tickets for the cinema?

No, we’re on quarantine.

ex. 10

Traditionally, “can” means an ability and when you use it for asking permission it may confuse people. “May I” is a clear and polite way for this. But this is formal, so with friends it’s better to use ”could”.

ex. 11

  1. You should put on your coat.

  2. Certainly, you may take the book.

  3. I told her she can have a holiday with us.

  4. The mother says that I can join my friends.

  5. Students can bring dictionaries to the exam.

ex. 12

  1. don’t have to pay

  2. should help

  3. mustn’t park

  4. shouldn’t arrive

  5. have to

  6. must leave

ex. 13

  1. have to

  2. have to

  3. have to, are to

  4. have to

  5. is to

  6. have to

  7. are to

  8. am to

ex. 14

  1. Никто не может служить двум господам.

  2. Лжецам нужна хорошая память.

  3. Ты не узнаешь, на что способен, пока не попробуешь.

  4. Важные принципы могут и должны быть гибкими.

  5. Если не можешь победить, то присоединись.

  6. Мир не может держаться силой. Он может достигаться только пониманием.

  7. Буря валит дубы, а тростник может устоять. (Мал, да удал)

  8. Синица в руках лучше журавля в небе.

  9. Свечу нельзя поджечь с двух сторон.

  10. Не оставляй на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

  11. Нужно увидеть, чтобы поверить.

  12. Чтобы иметь великих поэтов, необходима великая аудиторияю

  13. Книг, как и друзей, должно быnm немного, но они должны быть хороши.

  14. Перед каждым взлётом было падение.

  15. Яичницу не сделаешь, не сломав яйца.

ex. 15

  1. What is gravity

  2. What is weightlessness

  3. How to achieve “free fall”

  4. ISS and microgravity

2. Space–enabled materials

ex. 1

  1. A lot.

  2. Last year, scientists saw the black hole and caught gravitational waves.

  3. Only science fantastic.

  4. Low gravity.

  5. About no influence.

Answered 5/6.

ex. 2

  1. successful

  2. wonderful

  3. beautyful

  4. stressful

  5. helpful

  6. careful

  7. weightless

  8. wireless

  9. mindless

  10. harmless

  11. waterless

  12. endless

ex. 3

  1. usefulness

  2. tiredness

  3. business

  4. thickness

  5. hardness

  6. darkness

ex. 6

  1. j прибытие

  2. h способный

  3. e приложение

  4. f устранять

  5. a точно

  6. k улучшать

  7. b позволять

  8. i создавать

  9. d смесь

  10. g продукт

  11. c выполнять

ex. 8

  1. T

  2. F

  3. T

  4. T

  5. T

  6. T

  7. T

ex. 9

  1. A

  2. C

  3. A

  4. B

  5. A

  6. B

  7. B

  8. D

  9. A

  10. C

  11. D

ex. 10

  1. Zero-g.

  2. Dropping materials from tall towers and using plummeting aeroplanes.

  3. Materials produced in low gravity are purer and better.

  4. When space stations were advented.

  5. To study defects in crystals.

  6. Mostly, in computer production.

ex. 11

  1. metallurgy, medicine, science

  2. solar panels, electrical engineering, electronics

  3. electronics, science, medicine

  4. radio electronics

  5. metallurgy

ex. 12

  1. Space stations are designed to remain in low Earth orbit for a long period of time.

  2. Semiconductors are pretty cheap and wide-used nowadays.

  3. An electrical furnace is safer than the gas one.

  4. Pure chips can be produced in terms of low gravity.

  5. Fibre-optic cable can provide high speed of transmission.

  6. This blend is too complex for you to fully understand

  7. Every one of us has impurities.

  8. Soap bubbles are fun to pop.

ex. 14

  1. must

  2. have to

  3. do, have to

  4. don’t have to

  5. must

  6. have to

  7. have to

  8. must

  9. must

ex. 15

  1. needn’t

  2. mustn’t

  3. needn’t

  4. mustn’t

  5. needn’t

  6. needn’t

  7. mustn’t

  8. needn’t

  9. mustn’t

  10. mustn’t

ex. 16

  1. Changes in the physical properties of materials can be studied onboard the space station

  2. Scientists must find ways to eliminate impurities in materials in weightlessness.

  3. Spaceships don’t need to deliver bulky constructions from the Earth because they can be manufactured on board of the station

  4. “Made in Space” company was able to create a 3D printer which can produce new parts directly on the ISS

  5. It should be remembered that weightlessness is bad for human health

  6. All cosmonauts are required to perform physical exercises for 2 hours a day

  7. Why can't astronauts write with a pen on board the ISS?

  8. Do you know that you shouldn’t sneeze in space?

  9. How can we use the results of space research on Earth?

  10. We have been informed that a new space project is about to start in a year

3. Off the Earth for the Earth

ex. 1

  1. special

  2. 9

  3. am

  4. must

  5. must

  6. may

  7. might

  8. could

ex. 2

  1. may

  2. might

  3. might

  4. may

  5. must

  6. may

  7. must

  8. must

  9. must

ex. 3

  1. The Universe may be bigger than we can see.

  2. There might be parallel Universes.

  3. Astronauts may train to prepare for microgravity underwater.

  4. Wearing a space suit might be a difficult task.

  5. One day production in space may become routine.

  6. I might write a letter of application.

  7. Alan may not know the new members of the crew.

  8. Helen might not pass her exam.

ex. 4

  1. He must want something.

  2. She must be French.

  3. He must read a lot.

  4. This must be interesting.

  5. He must have very big feet.

  6. You must know Paul Baker.

ex. 5

  1. This video is about the application of ISS research on the Earth.

  2. They grow in the microgravity.

  3. This investigation can help treat DMD, which affect muscles of young boys.

  4. Earth gravity impacts on the quality of the crystal.

  5. More than 16 experiments have been conducted since 2003.

  6. Doctors are able to slow down disease progression by half.

  7. Scientists are going to determine thousands of protein structures in the future.

  8. They do it not only for ourselves, but they also do it for the generation to come.

ex. 6

  1. Корабли могут сообщаться на далёких расстояниях благодаря изобретению радио.

  2. Из-за вращения земли существуют дни и ночи.

  3. Возможно, вода и лёд имеют голубой цвет из-за света и воздуха, который они содержат.

  4. Благодаря изобретению радиотелескопов радиоастрономия добилась больших успехов.

  5. Наш век может быть назван “косммической эрой” из-за развития новой ветви науки и технологии - космонавтики.

  6. Множесто хорошоизвестных процессов проходят по-разному из-за отсутствия веса.

ex. 7

  1. because of the wind

  2. due to the weightlessness

  3. due to the weather

  4. because of the expression on my face

  5. thanks to his boss

  6. due to the high number of calls today

  7. because of the advent of space stations.

  8. thanks to the miracle of television.

ex. 9

  1. He was able to go to university because of his uncle’s help.

  2. I didn’t want to see anybody because of my sadness.

  3. Ann arrived ate because of problems at the airport.

  4. We couldn’t play a match because of the bad weather.

  5. I couldn’t understand them because of their accent.

  6. We had to drink a lot because of the hot weather.

  7. I couldn’t go away last weekend because of my work.

  8. I couldn’t understand her because of my tiredness.

ex. 10

  1. People no longer think of radio and television as something fantastic.

  2. In space, the Archimedes principle is no longer valid.

  3. Now, with the food delivered by the space shuttle a few times a year, you no longer have to take special pills.

  4. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

  5. We have a small two-door wardrobe we no longer need.

  6. He was told he no longer had a job.

  7. Due to the understanding of the protein’s shape, this genetic disorder is no longer hopeless.

ex. 11

The problem with space discoveries lies in the basis; they are connected to space, not to the Earth. We have very few application of them in our lives and they come with a very big price. For you to now, the Apollo project in 1965 cost about 1% of the annual budget of the USA.

ex. 12

  1. What we can improve using crystals grown in space?

  2. What is “alloy crystal”?

  3. What is the problem with germanium?

  4. How gravity is affecting this process?

  5. What comes with a zero-g?

  6. Where Walker is working?

  7. How magnetic field can help in melting?

  8. What Walker has developed?

  9. How long does it take to grow up a crystal?

  10. What is the future of this research?

ex. 13

  1. Introduction, introduce, introductory

  2. Improvement, improve, improvable

ex. 14

  1. An alloy is a combination of metals or of a metal and another element.

  2. An application is a formal request to be considered for a position in an institution or organization.

  3. To dedicate means to devote to a task or to a purpose.

  4. Gravity is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass are toward one another.

  5. An impurity is an undesirable element or a substance contained in something that lowers the thing’s quality.

  6. Partially means only in part.

  7. Sophisticated means complex or intricate as a system, process.

  8. Valuable means a great deal of extremely worth, important or useful money.

  9. Vital means the importance of critical or necessary to life.

  10. Weightlessness is the state of no having weight.

ex. 15

  1. g

  2. h

  3. e

  4. a

  5. i

  6. d

  7. c

  8. f

  9. j

  10. b

ex. 16

You need to be able to operate a computer at a high level, know foreign languages and computer science. You should be capable of working in a stressful situation an working on the important complicated projects. You have to be well-educated, loyal, friendly and motivated.

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Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
Студизба спасает в те моменты, когда сроки горят, а работ накопилось достаточно. Довольно удобный сайт с простой навигацией и огромным количеством материалов.
Студ. Изба как крупнейший сборник работ для студентов
Тут дофига бывает всего полезного. Печально, что бывают предметы по которым даже одного бесплатного решения нет, но это скорее вопрос к студентам. В остальном всё здорово.
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Всё очень удобно. Особенно круто, что есть система бонусов и можно выводить остатки денег. Очень много качественных бесплатных файлов.
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