Учебник Англ 2 курс (Учебник 2020 год для 2 курсов(3 семестр))


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*Peter Gabriel, Mercy Street

Module 7

Module 7


All of these cars were once just a dream in somebody’s head (Peter Gabriel, Mercy Street0


-ing and –ed adjectives

Participle clauses

Absolute participle clause

Word formation:

Word blends


Inventor of automobile.

5 cutting-edge features you don’t want in your new car.

Mercedes F 015

Future car trends

Self-driving cars

Flying cars

Cars that communicate with the road and with each other


Top 5 car safety features

Correct pronunciation of car brands

The future of cars


How we invented the world: cars

Mercedes F 015



Essential vocabulary

accelerate, v boast, v emit, v outfit, v reverse, adj steer. v

accommodate, v collision, n engine, n/ power, v revise, v subject, v

adjust, v combustion, n execution, n prevent, v rotate, v vehicle, n

annoy, v cutting-edge, adj infotainment, n propel, v shift, n warning, n

avoid, v draw, v mandatory, adj receive, v steam, n wear, n


1. What is special about these cars? Discuss in small groups


2 Look at some of the candidates for the Father of Automobile title. Do any of the names seem familiar to you?

Leonardo da Vinci [liːəˈnɑːdəʊ dɑː ˈvɪnʧi]

Ferdinand Verbiest [ˈfɜːd(ə)nænd vərˈbɪst]

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot [nikɔˈlas ʒɔˈzɛf kuˈŋɔ:]

Gottlieb Daimler [ˈgɒtlɪb ˈdaɪmlə]

Wilhelm Maybach [wɪlˈhɛlm ˈmeɪbək]

3 Look through the text and match the words in bold to their Russian equivalents.

____________ груз

____________ двигатель внутреннего сгорания

____________ дюйм (2,54 cм)

____________ на конной тяге (гужевой)

____________ на паровой тяге

____________ рулевая колонка

____________ самоходный

____________ транспортное средство

____________ четырехтактный двигатель

4 Read the texts and in pairs decide who deserves to be called the father of automobile.

Present your opinion to the group.

a. Leonardo da Vinci

I n 1478, more than 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci created a design for the first self-propelled vehicle, or "automobile." As far as we know, no working prototype was ever built from da Vinci's plans. The car invented by da Vinci was meant more to stimulate wonder than move people and things from one place to another. This vehicle was designed to be 5 feet and 6 inches long and 4 feet and 11 inches wide. It didn’t even have a seat and could only turn right!

b. Ferdinand Verbiest

The first working self-propelled vehicle was created in 1672 by Ferdinand Verbeist (a Jesuit missionary) as a toy for the Chinese Emperor. Being just over two feet long, the steam-powered vehicle was not designed to carry cargo or people. Although it was too small for anyone to actually be able to sit in, the vehicle is believed to be the very first working steam-powered vehicle.

c . Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

In 1770, French inventor Nicolas Cugnot created a larger steam-powered, self-propelled car, called the "Fardier." Adapted from a horse-drawn vehicle, the three-wheeled car supported a massive steam boiler and travelled at about two miles per hour.


d . Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach

In 1886 Daimler and Maybach created the “Cannstatt-Daimler” which was the first four-stroke engine, four-wheeled vehicle and another candidate for the first car. It was a gift for Daimler’s wife. The car was able to reach 16 kilometers per hour.

e. Karl Benz

I n 1886, Karl Benz received a patent for the three-wheeled "Motorwagen," he began selling the vehicles three years later. The Motorwagen ran on an internal combustion engine, had a steering column, and had a seat for the driver and one or two passengers. Benz continued to revise the design, and in 1893, the Motorwagen received a fourth wheel.

5 Read the text again and put the numbers of the fragments next to the descriptions.

  1. These vehicles had three wheels: __c__ and ___.

  2. This car design was never put to practice: _____ .

  3. These vehicles were powered by steam: ____ and ____ .

  4. These vehicles had internal combustion engines: ____ and ____.

6 In pairs discuss the questions below:

    • Do you know any other names in the automotive history?

    • Who should be considered the real inventor: someone who came up the idea or the person who put it into practice?

    • Why does it happen sometimes that there is more than one person claiming to be the first to invent something?

7 Match the verbs with their Russian equivalents.

  1. draw a) достигать

  2. power b) поворачивать

  3. propel c) управлять рулем, направлять

  4. reach d) пересматривать

  5. revise e) служить источником энергии

  6. steer f) тянуть, притягивать

  7. turn g) продвигать вперед, приводить в движение

8 Fill in the gaps with the verbs from Ex. 7.

    1. Never _______ the steering wheel while the vehicle is stationary.

    2. The students had to ______ their truck's design to achieve high-performing results.

    3. _______ the moon within the decade. – this was the mission given to NASA in the 1960s.

    4. Good teachers try to _______ students into discussions.

    5. A combustion engine and a hydraulic motor work together to ______ the Hybrid Air car.

    6. Only about 20 percent of the energy within the gasoline is actually used to ______ the car.

    7. In many cities, horse-______ carriages are seen as tourist attractions – but this is a cruel industry.

    8. Move the joystick left or right to ______ the helicopter.

9 *Match the words derived from PROPEL with their Russian equivalents.

Word Root of propel

The Latin word pellere, meaning “to cause to move” or “to drive,” gives us the root pel. Words from the Latin pellere have something to do with driving or causing something to move.

To propel is to drive forward.

To compel is to drive someone to do something.

To expel is to drive out.

To repel is to drive back or away.

propulsion A. движущая сила

propellant B. ракетное топливо

propeller C. устройство в виде нескольких закреплённых на вращающейся оси лопастей для приведения в движение самолётов, судов и других транспортных средств

D. метательное взрывчатое вещество


Adjectives ending in –ing have an active meaning. They describe:

      • someone or something that is doing something (acting);

      • someone or something that is causing some feeling or emotion

      • an ongoing process

Examples: a hard-working specialist; a self-driving car; a depressing thought; an interesting project; a developing country

Adjectives ending in –ed (or irregular past participle form) have a passive meaning. They describe:

      • someone or something 'receiving' some kind of action,

      • someone made to feel in a certain way or given an impression.

      • a complete process

Examples: a human-driven car; reinforced concrete; a depressed teacher, a developed country; a finished project

10 Find examples of –ing and -ed adjectives in the text.



11 Transform the structures below according to the pattern.

    1. The car that is powered by steam = steam-powered car

    2. The vehicle that is drawn by a horse =

    3. The vehicle that is powered by gas =

    4. The toy that is powered by a battery =

    5. The invention that has long been forgotten =

    6. The accessory that was made by hand =

    7. The automobile that is produced in mass quantities =

    1. The wheel you can steer with = steering wheel

    2. The space you can park in =

    3. The license that allows you to drive =

    4. The parts that are able to move =

    5. The car that can fly =

    6. The ticket issued for excessive speed =

    7. The technology that is meant to save energy =

    8. The device that helps save fuel =

12 *Find the English equivalents to the word combinations below.

Самоходное транспортное средство; штраф за превышение скорости; водительское удостоверение; автомобиль, работающий на газе; бензиновый автомобиль; рулевое колесо; автомобиль массового производства; парковочное пространство; гужевой транспорт; энергосберегающие технологии.

13 Watch the video HOW WE INVENTED THE WORLD: THE BENZ CARS and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.

  1. Karl Benz invented the horseless carriage at the age of 15.

  2. The Patent Motor-Wagen he was working on in 1888 could go in reverse (= backwards).

  3. Karl Benz was a brilliant engineer but had very poor business skills.

  4. Bertha Benz supported her husband morally and financially.

  5. An automotive vehicle was considered to be against the God and the state.

  6. Karl Benz was too ill to present his invention to the public.

Bertha Benz driving the Benz Patent Motor Car, 1886

14 Choose the appropriate adjective.

Karl Benz was a determining/ determined and talented inventor. He had always dreamt about creating a self-propelling/ self-propelled vehicle. The patenting/ patented motor car was ready to appear in public. However, the country was not interesting/ interested. Benz felt depressing/ depressed and frustrating/ frustrated. Fortunately, his wife Bertha was a risk- taking/ risk-taken woman. This daring/ dared lady did not wait for her husband to pick up his courage and present this long-expecting/ long-expected invention. Bertha Benz went on an exciting/ excited 65-mile journey all by herself to advertise the car.

15 *Fact or fiction? Make your guess and google to check it.

  1. There are one billion cars currently in use on Earth.

  2. The man who invented the cruise control could not see.

  3. In 1941 Ford manufactured a car from beans.

  4. In 1916 more than half of all the cars in the world were Model T Fords.

  5. A car spends 95% of its lifetime parked.

  6. In the beginning of the 20th century horses produced more pollution than cars.

  7. The driver that got the world’s first speeding ticket was going 19 kph (kilometres per hour)

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Очень офигенный сайт для студентов. Много полезных учебных материалов. Пользуюсь студизбой с октября 2021 года. Серьёзных нареканий нет. Хотелось бы, что бы ввели подписочную модель и сделали материалы дешевле 300 рублей в рамках подписки бесплатными.
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Маленький отзыв о большом помощнике!
Студизба спасает в те моменты, когда сроки горят, а работ накопилось достаточно. Довольно удобный сайт с простой навигацией и огромным количеством материалов.
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Отличная платформа для распространения работ, востребованных студентами. Хорошо налаженная и качественная работа сайта, огромная база заданий и аудитория.
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Отлично помогает студентам в любой момент для решения трудных и незамедлительных задач
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