HELP (Программа GPSS), страница 12


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Файл "HELP" внутри архива находится в следующих папках: Программа GPSS, GPSS. Документ из архива "Программа GPSS", который расположен в категории "". Всё это находится в предмете "моделирование систем" из 8 семестр, которые можно найти в файловом архиве РТУ МИРЭА. Не смотря на прямую связь этого архива с РТУ МИРЭА, его также можно найти и в других разделах. Архив можно найти в разделе "остальное", в предмете "моделирование систем" в общих файлах.

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· DoCommand translates its argument string in global context. Don’t use temporary variable names in it. If you need to pass the values of local variables or arguments to the DoCommand library procedure, you should build the string first using PLUS string procedures. That will cause the local variables to be completely evaluated before entering the scope of the DoCommand library procedure. The bottom line is that you must use values, not names, of temporary variables in the string you pass to the DoCommand Procedure. Global Variable names may be used, however. For examples, see the Run Procedure in Section 14.3.2.

· You can place INCLUDE Statements anywhere but inside a PLUS Procedure. Commonly, you would want to place all Commands after your last INCLUDE Statement.

· If you have more than one metric describing your observations, you will need to edit any generated experiment and define additional Result Matrices and ANOVA invocations.

· If find that in an ANOVA Table the F Statistics could not be calculated, try reducing the level of interactions in the analysis if you can. Otherwise, you will have to add replicates.

· Simulations can have any number of Experiments. Use the CONDUCT Command to invoke an experiment.

· Do not pass Procedure arguments or Temporary Variables to DoCommand without evaluating them first. This is discussed above. The DoCommand argument string is compiled in global scope, which cannot access local variables. You can create the string before the call to DoCommand, and then, in a separate step, pass it as an argument.

· Don’t forget that PLUS statements can only appear inside PLUS Procedures.

· Inserting a screening Experiment does not remove an existing Experiment of the same name from your Model Object, but it does replace it in your Simulation Object because being inserted at the end of your Model it is registered last in the Simulation Object.

· You can replace any Procedure, including Experiments, in an existing simulation object. Since they are longer than simple Commands, you would probably use an INCLUDE statement as a custom command, which points to a Text Object containing the Procedure.

· Initialize your Result Matrix to UNSPECIFIED. The default value of a GPSS Matrix Entity is 0. Initializing to UNSPECIFIED prevents 0 values from being used as results. Doing the initialization outside the PLUS Experiment allows your experiment to be restartable (see the next tip).

· If you want your Experiments to be restartable, inside your PLUS Experiment before each run you should test the Result Matrix element for the “UNSPECIFIED” Data Type. Only if that test is true would you call the Run Procedure for that run of the Experiment. Then, when the Experiment is restarted after being HALTed (and possibly SAVEd), completed runs are skipped. To see an example of this, refer to any generated Experiment.

· Generated Experiments are inserted at the bottom of your Model. An experiment replaces any like-named experiment registered previously. You are responsible for removing any old generated experiments you no longer need.

· You should always complete a thorough test of the base simulation before beginning the experimentation phase.

· When you get compilation errors, use the "Next Error" command in the Search Menu. When you get "run time" errors, use the "Go To Line" command in the Search Menu to go to the location where the error was detected.

Search Menu Commands

The Search menu offers the following commands:

Find/Replace Opens a Dialog to Find and/or Replace text in the Text View of a GPSS World Object.

Go to Line Opens a Dialog to find a specific 1-relative line number in the Text View of a GPSS World Object.

Next Bookmark Finds a place in a Text View of a GPSS World Object previously marked with an invisible Bookmark.

Mark Marks the current place in a Text View of a GPSS World Object with an invisible Bookmark.

Unmark Removes any invisible Bookmark from the current position in the Text View of a GPSS World Object.

Unmark All Removes all invisible Bookmarks from the Text View of a GPSS World Object.

Select to Bookmark Selects text from the current insertion point to the current invisible Bookmark in the Text View of a GPSS World Object.

Next Error Places the insertion point just before the next Translation Error in the circular Syntax Error List, and writes the Error Message in the Status Line of the Main Window.

Previous Error Places the insertion point just before the previous Translation Error in the circular Syntax Error List, and writes the Error Message in the Status Line of the Main Window.

Goto Line Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to move the text insertion point and scroll to a 1-relative line number in a Text View. When you do so, a Dialog Box opens for you to type the line number.



Next Bookmark Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to move the text insertion point and scroll to the next invisible bookmark in the list.

You create a circular list of invisible bookmarks by using the Mark Commandin the Search Menu. The list becomes part of the GPSS World Object and is saved with it.



Mark Bookmark Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to record the current Text View window location as an invisible bookmark in a circular list. The list becomes part of the GPSS World Object and is saved with it.

Unmark Bookmark Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to remove the last visited bookmark in the list.

You create a circular list of invisible bookmarks by using the Mark Commandin the Search Menu. The list becomes part of the GPSS World Object and is saved with it.

Unmark All Bookmarks Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to remove all bookmarks from the list.

You create a circular list of invisible bookmarks by using the Mark Commandin the Search Menu. The list becomes part of the GPSS World Object and is saved with it.

Unmark Bookmark Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to select all text from the insertion point to the last visited bookmark.

You create a circular list of invisible bookmarks by using the Mark Commandin the Search Menu. The list becomes part of the GPSS World Object and is saved with it.

Next Error Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to move the insertion point to the place of the next syntax error in the circular error list of the Model Object. At the same time, the error message is printed in the Status Line at the bottom of the Main Window.

When any syntax errors are found, a circular list of errors is attached to the Model Object. The list becomes part of the Model Object and is saved with it.



Previous Error Command ( Search Menu )

Use this menu command to move the insertion point to the place of the previous syntax error in the circular error list of the Model Object. At the same time, the error message is printed in the Status Line at the bottom of the Main Window.

When any syntax errors are found, a circular list of errors is attached to the Model Object. The list becomes part of the Model Object and is saved with it.



View Menu Commands

The View menu offers the following commands:

Notices Shows the Product Notices file.

Toolbar Shows/hides the toolbar.

Entity Details Switches an Entity Window to/from Detail Mode.

Simulation Clock Switches a Simulation Object to/from Show Clock Mode.

Notices Command (View Menu )

Use this command to display the Product Notices file, GPSSW.ntc. The Notices file contains information on product updates and other useful information.

Toolbar Command (View Menu )

Use this command to display and hide the Toolbar, which includes buttons for some of the most common commands in GPSS World, such as File Open. A check mark appears next to the menu item when the Toolbar is displayed.

See Toolbar for help on using the toolbar.

Details Command ( View Menu )

Use this menu command to toggle the Details Mode of an Entity Window of a Simulation Object. If on, this command turns it off. If off, this command turns it on.

When the Details Mode of an Entity Window is on additional information is shown in columns in the window

Simulation Clocks Command ( View Menu )

Use this menu command to toggle the Clock Modes of a Simulation Object. If on, this command turns it off. If off, this command turns it on.

When the Clock Mode of a simulation is on, and it is the selected simulation, all changes to the GPSS System Clock are reported in the rightmost pane of the Status Line of the Main Window.

Simulation Clocks Command ( View Menu )

Use this menu command to toggle the Clock Modes of a Simulation Object. If on, this command turns it off. If off, this command turns it on.

When the Clock Mode of a simulation is on, and it is the selected simulation, all changes to the GPSS System Clock are reported in the rightmost pane of the Status Line of the Main Window.

Command Menu Commands

The Command menu offers the following commands:

Create Simulation Creates anew Simulation Object by Translating a Model Object.

Retranslate Repeats the Translation of a Model Object into an existing Simulation Object.

Repeat Last Command Repeats the last successful command sent to a Simulation Object.

CONDUCT Opens a Dialog to Send a CONDUCT Command to a Simulation Object.

START Opens a Dialog to Send a START Command to a Simulation Object.

STEP 1 Sends a STEP Command to a Simulation Object.

HALT Sends a HALT Command to a Simulation Object.

CONTINUE Sends a CONTINUE Command to a Simulation Object.

CLEAR Sends a CLEAR Command to a Simulation Object.

RESET Sends a RESET Command to a Simulation Object.

SHOW Opens a Dialog to Send a SHOW Command to a Simulation Object.

Custom Opens a Dialog to Send any valid GPSS World Command to a Simulation Object.

Create Simulation Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to cause a Simulation Object to be created to receive a Transaction of the currently selected Model Object.

This command creates a Journal Window on a newly created Simulation Object. If any syntax errors are found, a circular list of errors is attached to the Model Object. You may use the Get Next Errorand the Get Previous Errormenu commands in the Search Menu to correct the errors.

Create Simulation Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to cause a Simulation Object to be created to receive a Transaction of the currently selected Model Object.

This command creates a Journal Window on a newly created Simulation Object. If any syntax errors are found, a circular list of errors is attached to the Model Object. You may use the Get Next Errorand the Get Previous Errormenu commands in the Search Menu to correct the errors.

Retranslate Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to cause the currently selected Simulation Object to be rebuilt by Translating it's parent Model Object again.

This command does not create another Simulation Object. If any syntax errors are found, a circular list of errors is attached to the Model Object. You may use the Get Next Errorand the Get Previous Errormenu commands in the Search Menu to correct the errors.



CONDUCT Command ( Command Menu )

Use this button to send a CONDUCTCommand to the Simulation Object.

START Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a START GPSS Command to the simulation. When you do, a dialog window appears which allows you to enter operands.

STEP Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a STEP 1 GPSS Command to the simulation.


Debug Toolbar:

Keys: CTRL+ALT+1

HALT Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a HALT GPSS Command to the simulation.


Debug Toolbar:


CONTINUE Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a CONTINUE GPSS Command to the simulation.


Debug Toolbar:


CLEAR Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a CLEAR GPSS Command to the simulation.

RESET Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a RESET GPSS Command to the simulation. When you do, a dialog window appears which allows you to enter operands

SHOW Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send a SHOW GPSS Command to the simulation. When you do, a dialog window appears which allows you to enter operands

Custom Command ( Command Menu )

Use this menu command to send an arbitrary GPSS Command to the simulation. When you do, a dialog window appears which allows you to enter the GPSS Command.

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