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Аннотация на английском языке (Формирование образа русского мира в современных условиях потенциал гуманитарного сотрудничества)

PDF-файл Аннотация на английском языке (Формирование образа русского мира в современных условиях потенциал гуманитарного сотрудничества) Культурология (35492): Диссертация - Аспирантура и докторантураАннотация на английском языке (Формирование образа русского мира в современных условиях потенциал гуманитарного сотрудничества) - PDF (35492) - СтудИз2019-03-15СтудИзба

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As a manuscriptKozlovtseva Nina AleksandrovnaFORMING THE IMAGE OF RUSSIAN WORLD IN MODERNCONDITIONS: POTENTIAL OF THE HUMANITARIANCOOPERATIONSpecialty: 24.00.01 - Theory and history of cultureAbstractof the thesis for the scientific degreecandidate of cultural studiesMoscow, 20182The thesis of the dissertation of N.A. Kozlovtseva «Formation of imageof the Russian world in modern conditions: the potential for humanitariancooperation»The thesis for a candidate of cultural science degree in specialty 24.00.01 theory and history of culture "Forming the image of the Russian world in modernconditions: the potential of humanitarian cooperation" of Kozlovtseva NinaAleksandrovna is a theoretical, applied, interdisciplinary and complex study of theproblem of forming the image of the Russian world in modern sociocultural andgeopolitical conditions.

The object of research is the Russian world as asociocultural space, a scientific concept and the direction of the state policy of theRussian Federation. The subject is humanitarian practices aimed at creating anadequate image of the Russian world in a modern dynamic socio-cultural situation.The purpose of the work was to culturologically substantiate the mission ofhumanitarian cooperation and identify its promising areas that contribute to theexpansion of the space of the Russian world and the formation of its adequateimage in different countries.The dissertation research was carried out at the UNESCO Chair of theInstitute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Academy ofNational Economy and Public Administration under the President of the RussianFederation (RANEPA).

The scientific adviser is Doctor of Philosophy, ProfessorAstafiyeva Olga Nikolaevna.The relevance of the research topic is due to a number of factors related bothto the current geopolitical situation, within which the issues of creating andbroadcasting an adequate image of Russia, Russian culture and Russian peopleacquire the primary importance, with the needs of theoretical substantiation of thedynamics of sociocultural changes in Russia's relations with other countries in theaspect of actualization practical task of re-evaluating the strategy of state culturalpolicy, and with increasing threats of distortion existing image of the Russianworld, which is formed, in particular, the foreign media.3The aggravation of the geopolitical situation at the beginning of the 21stcentury against the background of the intensification of the processes ofglobalization (including cultural ones) was caused, in particular, by the desire ofrepresentatives of individual cultures to maintain their identity and identity underthe growing influence of other cultures.

For Russia, this period is characterized byan increase in interest in the Russian world as a socio-cultural space based oninstitutional and non-institutional forms of interaction, which is a consequence ofthe collapse of the Soviet Union, as a result of which arose the need for newprinciples of civilizational interaction with the world community.The Russian world in changed circumstances appears, in a certain sense, tobe a new type of sociocultural community, which, being a "soft power" 1 of Russiaabroad, is able to preserve and develop its own identity, while contributing to theformation of a relevant image of Russia and Russian people by broadcasting theirkey values, including Russian language and masterpieces of Russian culture, usingthe potential of humanitarian cooperation.Understanding the Russian world as a sociocultural community has longbeen in the center of attention of researchers, attracting interest of politicians andreligious figures.

However, up to the present time there is no comprehensivedescription of the Russian world, the definition of its key components (constructs),characteristics, a full-fledged concept of its preservation and development, as wellas the strategy for the formation of its adequate image.To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set in the thesis:1. Definition of the methodological foundations for the study of the Russianworld in contemporary social and humanitarian knowledge.2.

Updating and cultural substantiation of the concept "Russian world" in thecontext of the problem under study; the identification of key characteristics andcomponents of the Russian world as a socio-cultural space.1Nye Jr., Joseph S. Soft Power. The means to success in world politics. / N.Y.: Public Affairs,2004. 193р).43. Characteristics of the concept of "image" from the standpoint of theinterdisciplinary approach, determining its structure, component components, itscorrelation with the notion of "image."4.

Characteristics of the image of the Russian world and its components,broadcast by works of world and national art culture and reflected in theconsciousness of society: Russians, Russian diaspora and foreigners.5. Definition of goals, objectives and main directions of state policy aimed atshaping the image of the Russian world, identifying effective public and privatehumanitarian practices for the formation of a positive image of the Russian world.6. Development of a system of principles that ensure the integrity of theimage of the Russian world in the framework of practiced practices, the definitionof gaps and distortions, the correction of which must be paid special attention.The complexity and multidimensionality of the topic under investigationrequires an interdisciplinary approach to it.

Theoretically and methodologically,the research is based on a complex philosophical and cultural approach thatensures the system and integrity of the analysis of the studied object and makes itpossible to address the methods of such humanitarian disciplines as philosophy,sociology, philology and political science, thereby supplementing the proposedcultural methods. Integrity and interdisciplinarity of cultural studies, together withthe reference in the course of research to general scientific methods (analysis,synthesis, formalization, etc.), make it possible to reveal the essence of the Russianworld.To solve the problems outlined above, the author also uses culturalapproaches:• Genetic approach, allowing to trace the development of the Russian worldand the Russian idea from their appearance to the present time.• A comparative approach that involves a comparative historical analysis ofthe constructs of the Russian world, as well as phenomena such as "The RussianWorld" and "Russian Civilization" in a certain time interval.5• A system approach to studying the culture of the Russian world, whichenabled it to show it at the present time in its entirety the relationships andrelations with other cultures and with subsystems of its culture, to compare it withother social phenomena.• The structural and functional approach contributed both to the definition ofthe structure of the Russian world and its place in a single world structure.• A sociological approach to confirm the significance of the Russian worldas the basis for the socio-cultural self-identification of people.• With the help of theaxiological approach, the spiritual worldview values of the Russian world aredetermined.• The activity approach to study the value contribution of the Russian worldas a set of cultural objects that promote spiritual enrichment, into the worldcommunity.• The author uses the semiotics approach to reveal the role of the Russianlanguage in the context of understanding it as the basis, the mirror of the culture ofthe Russian world.The validity and reliability of the research results are ensured by applying aninterdisciplinary approach.

Using the whole range of methods allowed to realizethe idea of carrying out interdisciplinary research and obtaining theoretical results.The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, including 7paragraphs, conclusions, a list of sources and literature used (309 titles), and alsoannexes. The thesis includes 188 pages.In the introduction, the relevance of the dissertation research is analyzed, thedegree of its scientific development is analyzed, the hypothesis of research isformulated, its goals and objectives are determined, the theoretical andmethodological basis is revealed, the scientific novelty and practical significanceof the results obtained, the content of the passport to scientific specialization, themain provisions protection, as well as the structure of the dissertation, the resultsof approbation of the dissertation research are given.

In the first chapter"Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the concept of the" Russian6world" in social and humanitarian knowledge", theoretical and methodologicalproblems of the study of the concept "Russian world" are considered. Thehistorical and cultural analysis of the Russian world as a space and as an object ofscientific research is conducted, its basic idea is determined, as well as therelationship with the notion of "Russian civilization". Based on the resultsobtained, a general author's interpretation of this concept is given, which isrelevant in the context of a dynamically changing sociocultural situation.In paragraph 1.1. "The Russian world as a socio-cultural space: historicaland cultural analysis, the Russian world and the Russian civilization, the Russianidea," on the basis of an analysis of a number of sources using this concept,establishes that the "Russian world" was not an innovation of the late 20th century,its history dates back several centuries.

The concept "Russian world" reflectsdifferent meanings in sources of different time. The emergence of a modernunderstanding of the Russian world as a community uniting the inhabitants ofRussia and the Russian emigration dates back to the mid-late 1990s.Originally existing exclusively as a socio-cultural space, at the turn of thecentury it acquired a geopolitical context. However, the focus on the politicalcomponent almost offset the socio-cultural significance of the Russian world.Also, in the paragraph there is an analysis of the semantic content of theconcepts "The Russian World" and "Russian Civilization", on the basis of whichthe main features of the Russian world and Russian civilization are revealed, theirsimilarities and differences, as well as the problems of unambiguous definition ofthe boundaries of each of the concepts.

The main problematic theoretical zonesconcerning the identification of people within the framework of the Russian worldand Russian civilization are also highlighted, and the question of the relationshipbetween the subjective perception of belonging to a given community and theobjective membership of people is raised.In addition, the paragraph analyzes the history of development and the maincomponents of the existing concept of the "Russian idea".7In paragraph 1.2.

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